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1.周 CHAU 舟 CHAU CHAU 洲 ...

2.洲 CHAU 周 CHAU CHAU 秋 ...

3.秋 CHAU 洲 CHAU CHEN 陈 ...

4.邹 曾/郑 - -Tsang/Cheng/Ts eng 周/ - -Chau/Chou/Chow 包/鲍- -Paul/Pao ...

5.周秋 chap 集插 chau 周秋 che 輋车 ...

6.丑 ... 肯( hang) ( chau) 许( hui) ...

7.搊 wan 搵 chau bo 煲 ...

8.乔玲丽 A. Chao( 赵午) L. L. Chau( 乔玲丽) T. Han( 韩涛) ...


1.The tranquil environment of Peng Chau with its diversified ecology makes it a popular destination for lovers of natural scenery.该岛拥有宁静的环境及多样化的自然生态,是喜爱大自然的游客常到的地方。

2.On the morning of the luncheon, he made his way to Central by ferry from his home in Cheung Chau, and then jumped into a taxi.在举行午宴的那个早上,他乘渡轮从位于长洲的家中抵达中环,然后钻进一辆的士。

3.And in the final stages, organizers are working to ensure the safety of every corner. Lian Chau Yuan, CCTV.而在这最后的阶段,组织者在努力保证每个角落的安全。连楚原,中央电视台。

4.As a remote Island, Tung Ping Chau completely lack of any urban atmosphere.东平洲地处偏远,没有沾上丝毫的城市气息。

5.Why are female teacher is accused students gods (Tan Chau said the prostitutes)?为什么学生会骂女老师是鸡婆(坦洲称妓女)?

6.As the eldest son Ajiaoatras, this country was known as the Atlantis Empire It was also known as the Atlantic or the Atlantic Chau island.由于长子名叫亚特拉斯,因此这个国家就被称为亚特兰蒂斯帝国,也有人称它为大西岛或大西洲。

7.The other main crossing is at Lok Ma Chau, which is the only one operating 24 hours a day, and travellers can reach it by metro, bus or car.另一个主要口岸位于落马洲,这是唯一一个全天24小时工作的口岸,旅客可以乘坐地铁、公交或汽车抵达。

8.Patrick Chau, Peace Mark chairman, says his company did not focus on brand ownership.宜进利的董事长周湛煌(PatrickChau)就表示,他的公司并未专注于取得品牌所有权。

9.After a discussion, Bing Bing and the children decide to make a boat trip to Cheung Chau.冰冰姐姐与小朋友商量去旅行的地点,最后决定一起乘船去长洲。

10.WHEN Ngo Bao Chau won a Fields Medal, the mathematics version of a Nobel prize, it made headpne news in his native Vietnam.当NgoBaoChau获得数学界的诺贝尔奖——菲尔兹奖后,越南本土将其登上了头版头条。