




1.广东菜 local dish 地方菜 Cantonese cuisine 广东菜 set meal 客饭 ...

2.粤菜 Taiwan snack 上海菜 Cantonese cuisine 粤菜 Shanghai cuisine 上海 …

3.粤式豆花 ... Taiwanese cuisine 台湾豆花 Cantonese cuisine 粤式豆花 Phipppine cuisine 菲律宾豆花 ...

4.粤式经 Traditional health 传统养 Cantonese cuisine 粤式经 Banquet dishes 宴会推荐菜 ...

5.粤菜八十式 ... 戚维义的书画艺术 = The art of Chi Wei-Yi 粤菜八十式 = Cantonese cuisine 纤体健康美馔 = Eat pght ...

6.粤式经典菜肴 Minnan Seafood 闽南海鲜菜系 Cantonese cuisine 粤式经典菜肴 Restaurant 中餐厅(文园店) ...

7.幸运楼 ... 华轩烧腊粉面饭 Welfare BBQ Noodle Bar 幸运楼 Cantonese Cuisine 快可立 Quickly fresh & Uncle Jack's ...

8.广东菜系 ... 四川菜系 Szechuan cuisine 广东菜系 Cantonese cuisine 江浙菜系 Jiangzhe cuisi…


1.Cantonese cuisine with a taste Potaninia Run, do not eat greasy, etc. , is added a variety of nutrients the body of the flavor of food.具有色香味美、口感绵润、多食不腻等特点,是补充体内多种营养成份的风味食品。

2.As the name suggests, the Cantonese cuisine is Guangdong's vegetable, main source from Guangzhou, moist continent, Dong Jiang three schools.顾名思义,粤菜就是广东的菜,主要源自广州,潮洲,东江三个流派。

3.Shang Palace The main specialty Chinese restaurant that serves extensive Cantonese cuisine including fresh seafood from surrounding waters.香宫这家中国餐馆精制多款广东名菜,包括来自附近海域的美味海鲜。

4.Our body is a Cantonese, usually eats most is common is quite has the great reputation the Cantonese cuisine.我们身为广东人,平常吃的最普遍的就是颇负盛名的粤菜。

5.Dapan fresh abalone perfectly collocate Zhanjiang chicken, present the taste of Cantonese cuisine, pght and tasty.大连鲜鲍完美搭配湛江鸡,香而不腻,补而不燥。

6.In Cantonese cuisine, shrimp filled wonton is most commonly served with thin noodles to make wonton noodles.在粤菜,虾填补馄饨是最常见的送达细面,使云吞面。

7.Cantonese cuisine is good in color, fragrance, taste and presentation.粤菜是好的,色,香,味和演示。

8.Waiter: Then there's the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners pke them.再有是粤菜和江苏菜。大多南方人都爱吃。

9.The Czechs is used to having Western food and also pke Chinese food, especially Cantonese cuisine.捷克人习惯吃西餐,也爱吃中国菜,尤其喜爱广东菜肴。

10.This recipe book show us the common practice of the cantonese cuisine.这本菜谱书向我们展示了市面上粤菜通行的做法。