




1.氨基丁酸受体布在大脑皮层、边缘、中脑、脑干和脊髓等处存在有 -氨基丁酸受体GABAA )。

2.氨基丁酸受体基因簇 氟硝西泮( flunitrazepam) 氨酪酸( GABAA) 蝇蕈醇( muscimol) ...

4.伽马氨基丁酸内皮层的电路所产生。作为在新大脑皮层,伽玛节律依赖于伽马氨基丁酸GABAA)受体介导的抑制作用,而VFOs只需要非 …

5.亲离子型亲离子型GABAA)受体甘AA受体 阻断剂—士的宁 甘AA亦可与NMDA受体结合,产生兴奋效应 4.肽类递质及其受体 阿片肽 …


1.This model imppcates GABAA-receptor dysfunction in patients as a causal predisposition to anxiety disorders.这个模型暗示了在病患身上GABAA受体的官能障碍,作为一种焦虑症的病因体质。

2.Most of the volatile and intravenous anesthetics potentiate the function of GABAA receptor to different extent.大多数吸入性和静脉麻醉药对GABA_A受体有不同程度的增强调制作用。

3.Synaptic clustering of GABAA receptors in mice heterozygous for the gamma2 subunit was reduced, mainly in hippocampus and cerebral cortex.在小鼠身上,GABAA受体中突触的丛集,为gamma2次单元而异型接合的是减少的,主要在海马回和大脑皮质上。

4.A Comparative Study of the Inhibition of Convulsants on GABAA Receptor in Different Cerebral Areas of Mice三种致惊药对小鼠不同脑区GABAA受体抑制效应的比较研究

5.The relationship between the analgesic and hypnotic effects of volatile anesthetic and GABAA receptor吸入麻醉药镇痛、催眠作用与GABAA受体的关系

6.Modification of GABAA receptor subunit mRNA content in audiogenic seizure rat cortex and hippocampus following tolerance to flurazepam氟西泮耐受听源性惊厥大鼠脑皮质运动区和海马区GABAA受体亚单位mRNA含量的变化

7.Activation of GABAA receptor-gated chloride currents by etomidate in rat sacral dorsal commissural neurons依托咪酯激活大鼠骶髓后连合核神经元GABAA门控氯通道电流

8.The Modulation Effects of GABAA Receptor on Endogenous Pain Descending Inhibition SystemGABAA受体对内源性痛觉下行抑制系统的调控作用

9.Partial mediation of GABAA receptor in the antinociceptive stimulation of propofol at spinal level in ratsGABAA受体部分介导丙泊酚在大鼠脊髓水平的抗伤害作用

10.Effects of Extract From Buthus martensic Karch on Brain GABAA Receptor in Pentylenetetrazole-induced Epileptic Mice东亚钳蝎提取物对致痫小鼠大脑GABAA受体活性的影响