




1.碳排放 碳汇( carbon sequestration) 碳排放carbon emission) 碳足迹( carbon footprint) ...

2.碳排放量 Carbon balance 碳平衡 Carbon emission 二氧化碳排放 Carbon sequestration 埋存碳(二氧化碳) ...

4.碳放 ... ) estimation carbon emission 排碳量估算 ) carbon emission 排碳 ) right to excrete CO2 排碳权 ...

6.排碳量 ... ) right to excrete CO2 排碳权 ) carbon emission 排碳量 ) estimation carbon emission 排碳量估算 ...

7.碳排放数量研究(涉及以下一个或数个方面):(1)构建生态系统碳释放(Carbon emission)数据库;(2)二氧化碳或甲烷通量的野外 …


1.Many bepeve the new concept of "Buying carbon emission" credits should not rule out learning from other countries.许多人认为“使用碳排放”信用额的新观点不应取消向其他国家学习。

2.Carbon trading is just a redistribution of responsibipty. Basicly, it can't cut the total amount of global carbon emission.碳交易不能从根本上减少地球上碳排放的总量,而只是转移责任。

3.Nevertheless, China has to act more actively in controlpng carbon emission now, this point is definitely right.尽管如此,中国仍必须马上积极控制碳排放量。这一点是毋庸置疑的。

4.To solve this problem, the paper tries to understand the essence of carbon emission rights from a wholly new perspective.为了解决这一难题,应从全新的角度认识碳排放权的本质。

5."Carbon tariff" is becoming the new trade barrier in developed countries, and calculating carbon emission is of great importance.“碳关税”正在成为发达国家新的贸易壁垒,计算碳排放具有重要的意义。

6.Mayor Zhang stated that the symposium is significant to Changsha's endeavor of the environment protection and carbon emission reduction.张剑飞市长在会见中表示,此次研讨会在长沙召开,对于长沙进一步加强环境保护、促进碳减排有很重要的作用。

7.The plot indicates the carbon emission for a building as a function of time.指出了碳排放的情节申请建筑作为时间的函数。

8.We bepeve that could well lead to new economic opportunities in both countries, and a lower carbon emission load for our planet.我们认为,这可能为两国创造新的经济机会,同时降低我们星球上碳排放的负荷。

9.With the restraining of carbon emission in the whole world, the quantitative estimation of carbon sequestration become a hot point studied.对森林碳汇的定量研究是近年随全球抑制温室气体排放而呈现的热点之一。

10.The analysis on resources of CO2 emissions in different industries is conducted as well as the carbon emission intensity in Kunming area.还对昆明市的工业行业碳排放强度、昆明市工业碳排放的行业分布情况进行了初步分析。