


美式发音: [kɑrˈlɒtə] 英式发音: [kɑ:'lɔtə]





1.卡洛塔 BURBERRY 巴宝莉香水 CARLOTTA 奕香 Cartier 卡地亚 ...

4.卡洛塔系列 Milan Series( 米兰系列) Carlotta卡洛塔系列) Europa Series( 欧罗马系列) ...

5.卡罗塔 MENTHOLATUM 曼秀雷敦 Carlotta 卡珞塔 Adidas 阿迪达斯 ...

7.卡拉塔 ... Carpe 卡丽 Carlotta 卡拉塔 Carly 卡莉 ...


1.Everybody stared. What was the matter with Carlotta's voice?众人面面相觑。卡洛塔的嗓音怎么了?

2.But when Bean and his family got up to greet them, Graff held up a hand to stop them and Carlotta put her finger to her pps.比恩一家人正打算起身问候时,格拉夫上校举起一只手制止了他们,卡萝塔修女则把手指竖在嘴上。

3.La Carlotta was very, very angry. She got out of bed at once and did not finish her breakfast.拉·卡洛塔非常非常气愤。她立即下床,连早餐都没有吃完。

4.Down inside the sub, Bean and Sister Carlotta sat down at a tiny table in the mess.潜艇里比恩和卡萝塔修女坐在餐厅的一张小桌旁。

5.It was Colonel Graff and Sister Carlotta at the door.格拉夫上校和卡萝塔修女站在门前。

6.The whole family recognized them at once, except that Nikolai had never met Sister Carlotta.全家人立即认出他们了,除了尼可拉从没见过卡萝塔修女。

7.Carlotta will definitely be singing the lead. Christine Daae can sing a small part, as usual.卡洛塔当然还是主唱,克里斯蒂娜·达埃依旧可以唱唱小角色,一切如常。

8.Carlotta stopped and began the song again.卡洛塔停下来重新开始演唱。

9.CARLOTTA: Would you not rather have your precious pttle ingenue?你们不是比较喜欢你们宝贝的小女孩吗?

10.The two men then talked about the opera for that night. It was Faust, and usually La Carlotta sang Margarita.然后这两位先生就谈论起当晚的歌剧来。当晚的歌剧是《浮士德》,通常由拉·卡洛塔演唱玛格丽塔。