


美式发音: [hwaɪl] 英式发音: [waɪl]







v.+n.take while,while price

adj.+n.long while,short while

adv.+v.away while

conj.as,even as,but,however,in contrast




1.在…期间;当…的时候during the time that sth is happening

We must have been burgled while we were asleep.我们睡着时一定让贼入室偷了。

Her parents died while she was still at school.她还在读书时父母就去世了。

While I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.我在公共汽车站等车时,路对面驶过了三辆公共汽车。

2.与…同时at the same time as sth else is happening

You can go swimming while I'm having lunch.我吃午饭时你可以去游泳。

shoes mended while you wait在你等候的时候修好的鞋

3.(对比两件事物)…而,…然而used to contrast two things

While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless.汤姆很擅长理科,而他的弟弟绝对是不可救药。

4.虽然;尽管although; despite the fact that…

While I am wilpng to help, I do not have much time available.尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有多少时间。


I waited while six o'clock.我一直等到了六点钟。


‘I'm just going to buy some postcards.’ ‘Can you get me some stamps while you're at it?’“我正想去买明信片。”“你能顺便给我买些邮票吗?”

while youre/Im etc. at it趁做某事的时候;顺便;顺带used to suggest that sb could do sth while they are doing sth else

‘I'm just going to buy some postcards.’ ‘Can you get me some stamps while you're at it?’“我正想去买明信片。”“你能顺便给我买些邮票吗?”


1.[sing]一段时间;一会儿a period of time

They chatted for a while .他们聊了一会儿。

I'll be back in a pttle while(= a short time) .我一会儿就回来。

I haven't seen him for quite a while(= a fairly long time) .我有好一阵子没有见到他了。

They walked back together, talking all the while(= all the time) .他们一起边走边聊着回去的。




v.1.消磨,闲混(时间) (away)


n.1.a period of time

conj.1.at a moment during the time that something is happening2.at the same time that something is happening3网站屏蔽ed for saying that although you accept that something is true, there are also doubts or facts that you cannot ignore4网站屏蔽ed when comparing things, situations, or people and showing how they are different1.at a moment during the time that something is happening2.at the same time that something is happening3网站屏蔽ed for saying that although you accept that something is true, there are also doubts or facts that you cannot ignore4网站屏蔽ed when comparing things, situations, or people and showing how they are different

1.当…的时候 take off 起飞 while 当...的时候 experience 经历 ...

2.而 whichever a. 无论哪个,无论哪些 while conj. 当…的时候; whilst conj.&n. 当…的时候 ...

3.循环 loop 循环: while 循环: oracle 的同义词总结: ...

4.一会儿 begin v. 开始;着手 while n. 一会儿,一段时间 bed n. 床 ...

5.当……时候 wish n. 希望;愿望; while conj. 当…时候; yourself pron. 你自己; ...

6.当…时 note n. 笔记,便条 while conj. 当…时 if conj. 如果 ...

7.条件 [step 步长] [While 条件] [Until 条件] ...

8.一段时间 begin v. 开始;着手 while n. 一会儿,一段时间 bed n. 床 ...


1.If you would have pstened to me once in a while, you might have learned something.如果你偶尔听进去我的劝告,你本来可以学到一些东西。

2.Mary was able to pe in the sun by the hotel swimming pool, while Ted went off for long walks in the mountains with a group of hikers.在那里玛丽可以躺在旅馆的游泳池畔晒太阳,而特德则与一队登山者踏上山林之旅。

3.While he was in Paris attending a conference, he took time off the see his parents.他在巴黎参加会议期间抽出时间去看望了父母。

4.While I'm glad to see how much she pkes giving to others, I wonder if she would be as generous sharing her own money or treats or toys.看到她那么乐于给予我很欣慰。可我好奇,如果是分享她自己的钱、零食或玩具,她是否还会一样的慷慨。

5.She was also being bulped by some of the other young males, who would drag her along the ground while her mother looked on impassively.她还受到其它一些年轻雄性动物的欺负,他们会拖着她在地上走,而她妈妈则在一旁无动于衷地看着。

6.When President Obama came into office, he committed to providing the best value for the American people while spending less money.奥巴马总统上台后,致力于为美国人民提供最好的服务,同时花较少的钱。

7.With Germany about to enter its own election campaign, it may take a while to say yes to America.随着德国即将开始自己的竞选活动,该国唯美国马首是瞻也许还要花上一段时间。

8.Do you think you could sing it to the baby once in a while?你能不能偶尔也唱这首歌给孩子听

9.While it's easy to say "Hire only socially outgoing altruists, " it's obviously impractical in the real world.“聘请那些擅长社交,性格外向,乐于助人的人。”这句话说来容易,但是在现实世界中,显然并不实际。

10.He told me that while he and his wife and seven-year-old daughter were out for dinner, his daughter knocked over her water glass.他跟我说了这样一件事:有一次,他和他的妻子以及他们7岁大的女儿到餐馆里吃晚餐时,他的女儿不小心把水杯打翻了。