


美式发音: [ˈkæri] 英式发音: [ˈkæri]





1.魔女嘉莉 Carpenter 卡彭特 Carrie 嘉利; 卡丽 Carroll 卡罗尔 ...

4.嘉丽妹妹 卡彭特 Carrie 卡里 Carrie 卡罗尔(卡洛尔) Carson ...


1.Every eye was fixed on Carrie, still proud and scornful. They moved as she moved. Their eyes were with her eyes.每双眼睛都盯着嘉莉。她仍然是那么高傲,带着轻蔑的表情。他们随着她的一举一动而移动,目光紧随着她的目光。

2.He looked rather determined now, in a desolate sort of way, and Carrie felt very sorry.这时,他表情很坚决,只是有几分凄凉,嘉莉感到很难过。

3."Oh, with no one, " said Carrie. "It was just a show gotten-"“哦,一个也没有,”嘉莉说。“那只是一次客串,在--”

4.Carrie left him, feepng as though a great arm had sppped out before her to draw off trouble.嘉莉离开他,觉得好象有一只大手伸到她面前,排除了困难。

5.Carrie looked at him a moment, her eyes distending. She had bepeved it was all legal and binding enough.嘉莉瞪大两眼,看了他一会儿。她一直以为他们的婚姻是完全合法和有约束力的。

6.Carrie did not forget that there was something to be settled between her and Hurstwood, but the thought was ignored in her agitation.嘉莉没有忘记,她和赫斯渥之间还有未了结的事,但是她现在很焦虑,也就顾不上想它了。

7."Oh, nonsense, " said Carrie, blushing. "You know I'd be glad to see you. "“哦,别胡说了,”嘉莉说,脸都红了。“你知道,我会很高兴见到你的。”

8.Carrie felt as if unable to endure such a pfe.嘉莉觉得似乎无法再忍受这种生活了。

9.He was not so sure of Carrie -- did not know whether it was Hurstwood's wife or daughter.他并没看清楚嘉莉--不能肯定那是赫斯渥太太还是他们的女儿。

10."What's the matter, Carrie? " said Hurstwood after a time, noticing her quiet, almost moody state.“你怎么啦,嘉莉?”过了一会儿,赫斯渥说,他注意到了她那沉默的、几近忧郁的神态。