




1.美国队长r)中出现短短几秒的鹰眼、在第二次世界大战遭冰封的美国队长Captain-America)及稍微较古早级的绿巨人浩克,都会在 …


1."We only have one chance to tell the origins story of Captain America, " said director Joe Johnston who started lensing the pic a week ago.乔.约翰斯顿于一周前为电影掌镜,此刻说道,“我们只有一次机会来讲述《美国队长》的故事起源”。

2.A 3-D trailer for "Captain America" was one of its first round of videos.电影“美国队长”的3D版预告片就将出现在头一批的视频当中。

3.Then in July comes Captain America: The First Avenger, in which the sickly character Steve Rogers is transformed into a perfect specimen.而《第一复仇者:美国队长》将在七月上映。片中病恹恹的史蒂夫·罗杰斯变身为完美典范。

4.They sparked to the "Captain America" footage that gave a very brief taste of Evans in costume as the star-spangled hero.他们热情回应了《美国队长》的电影镜头,在影片中,埃文斯扮演了一个星光灿烂的英雄,主创们对他在电影中服装给出了简短的评价。

5.If Captain America had a dog, it would be Tva, of Tennessee.如果美国队长有一条狗的话,那一定非田纳西州的特瓦莫属。

6.Chris Evans endured months of nausea-inducing workouts to bulk up for Captain America: The First Avenger.克里斯·埃文斯(ChrisEvans)为在《美国队长:第一个复仇者》中大显身手,忍耐了几个月的恶心的诱导训练以使块头增大。

7.First, it's way too close to Ed Brubaker's " Winter Soldier" storypne in the Captain America comics.第一,这件事太接近EdBrubaker在《美国队长》漫画里塑造的那个“冬日战士”的故事情节。

8.Howard: You want to talk brave, how about Captain America's undocumented Mexican gardener?霍华德:说到勇敢,咋不想想美国上尉家的非法墨西哥园丁?

9.Mr Johnston's stypsh Captain America makes comic-book cinema a form of pop art.约翰顿式的“美国队长”使得漫画电影具备了一种流行艺术形式。

10.Paramount will also distribute 'Captain America, ' another Marvel comic-book adaptation, this July.派拉蒙还将在今年7月发行MarvelStudios出品的另一部根据漫画改编的电影《美国队长》(CaptainAmerica)。