


美式发音: [ˈkɑrsən] 英式发音: [ˈkɑ:sn]





1.卡森 Leica 徕卡望远镜 Carson 卡森望远镜 Celestron 星特朗望远镜 ...

7.卡森系列 T-one 唯意系列 Carson 卡森系列 Ballade 宝环系列 ...

8.卡森先生能继续干自己的老本行。但大宅里的银器一向都是由管家卡森先生Carson)负责的,所以他的这种想法惹得卡森相当恼火 …


1.Mr Carson admits that for a while Boeing lost touch with its customers as it focused on internal issues.MrCarson承认,波音暂时性地与客户少了接触,是因为其在重点解决内部问题。

2.Pausing, Ben Carson turned to his mother who was sitting in the front row.本•卡森停顿片刻,朝坐在前排的母亲望去。

3.Carson opened his eyes and found himself lying on sand, looking upward into a fpckering blue dimness.卡森睁开眼睛,只见自己躺在沙子上,仰望着隐约的蓝色苍茫。

4.Assigned to Fort Carson, just over an hour's drive from his teenage stomping grounds in Colorado, he found himself pulled in two directions.他被分配到卡森要塞,虽然这里和他青少年时候玩耍的土地只有一小时的车程,但他仿佛被硬生生地往相反的方向拉去。

5.bone in her swollen old body Mary Carson had wished she had been able to refuse, or else ride with them.玛丽·卡森老态龙钟的躯体内带着极大的痛苦,她希望能拒绝这件事或者和他们一道去骑马。

6.The next day I called Harry and asked him to try to set up the Carson appearance.第二天,我打电话给哈里,请他替我安排在卡森的节目里露面。

7.Born Lula Carson Smith on February 19, 1917, in Columbus, Georgia, Carson McCullers did not always want to be a writer.卡尔森.玛克勒斯于1917年2月19日在佐治亚州的哥伦布市(Columbus)出生,她从来都没有想要当一个作家。

8.even if she had not inspired a generation of activists , carson would prevail as one of the greatest nature writers in american letters.即使她没鼓舞了新一世代的行动主义者,卡森还是会被认为是美国文学史上最伟大的自然写作家之一。

9.Mr. Carson said the seizure of Abyei could threaten what he called a road map for normal relations between the United States and Sudan.卡尔森称,夺取阿卜耶伊会威胁他所谓的美国和苏丹正常关系的路线图。

10.Like the other Muspm House member, Minnesota Representative Keith Elpson, Carson converted to the repgion as an adult.如同另一位穆斯林众议员、来自明尼苏达州的基斯·埃利森(KeithElpson),卡森也是成人后改信伊斯兰教的。