


美式发音: [ˈæʃtən] 英式发音: [ˈæʃtən]





1.阿什顿 Zino- 季诺 Ashton- 爱思顿 罗密欧.公爵限量/ ROMEO DUKE ...

5.艾思顿(三)徒手烟斗的制作方法五、世界顶级烟斗品牌 1.艾思顿Ashton) 2.巴多·巴蒂(Baldo Baldi) 3.巴拉比(Balleby) 4. …

6.爱士顿 (Squier) 斯快尔、 (Ashton爱士顿、 (Yenson) 威臣、 ...


1.Ashton said the talks were "detailed and substantive. " The talks were the first time negotiators had met on the issue in more than a year.阿什顿说,这些会谈是“详细和实质性的”。这是谈判代表们一年多来首次就该问题举行会晤。

2.Then he hadfallen for his wife, Margot Ashton; he had gone absolutely crazy for her.后来他就拜倒在妻子玛格特·艾什顿的石榴裙下,疯狂地迷恋着她。

3.Ashton said the EU would take China's development as an important opportunity to work with China to expand trade, investment and employment.阿什顿强调,欧盟应将中国的发展视作欧盟的重要机遇,积极寻求在合作中扩大贸易、投资和就业。

4.In an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Ashton insisted the fact she had never been elected to office would not be a disadvantage.在今天早晨(11月20日)BBC广播4台的访谈节目中,阿什顿坚持认为,她没有通过选举执政不会是一大不利因素。

5.Ms. Ashton said there was 'no negative response' by Chinese officials to her remarks.阿什顿说,对于她的言论中国官员没有表现出什么负面反应。

6."It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I have decided to end my six-year marriage to Ashton, " says Moore in a statement.黛米·摩尔在声明中说道:“对我来说结束与艾什顿六年的婚姻是非常悲伤和沉重的。”

7."Demi loves Ashton as much as she hates pubpc humipation, " a source close to the couple told us. "The marriage isn't good right now. "“黛米非常爱艾什顿,就像她恨被公开羞辱那样,”一个知情人告诉记者,“这段婚姻亮起红灯了。”

8.He congratulated Ashton and Van Rompuy and said a Tory government would work with them "in the British national interest" .他祝贺阿什顿和范龙佩,并表示为了“英国的国家利益”,保守党政府将与他们合作。

9.Ashton said the Geneva talks had agreed that the Istanbul meeting would focus on detailed proposals.阿什顿说,双方在日内瓦会谈中同意伊斯坦布尔会谈着重讨论具体的提案。

10.It was the weirdest experience of the past five years, says Kutcher in his squeaky-pitched, excited-Ashton voice.这是过去五年里不可思议的经历,库奇用他激动的声音说。