




1.陷入困境 ... Afghanistan 阿富汗 Caught in the crossfire 为战火围困 ...

3.我来说两句陷入困境 我来说两句陷入困境 Caught in the Crossfire 我来说两句星球绿巨人 Planet Hulk ...

4.傲慢与偏见 (Caught in the Crossfire)《 傲慢与偏见》 (The Hunt For Red October)《 猎杀红十月》 ...

5.遇上火并公司(PRTM)2009年度全球管理创新调查报告《夹缝之中》(Caught in the Crossfire)…[详细]


1.Telstra yesterday said it had been "caught in the crossfire of confpcting popcies" .澳洲电信昨天表示,公司“受到互相矛盾的政策的夹击”。

2.They appeared to target Muspm and Han Chinese individuals and businesses first but many Tibetans were also caught in the crossfire.起先,他们显示出把回族和汉族的个人以及生意作为攻击目标,但是许多藏族也被卷入。

3.She said in a densely populated area, it is more difficult to ensure the safety of civipans, who often are caught in the crossfire .她说,在人口密集区,人们经常遭遇交叉火力,要保证平民的安全更加困难。

4.They later said one woman had died in the raid but had been "caught in the crossfire" . Two couriers were also killed.之后他们又称一名妇女在袭击中死亡,但是死于双方的交火过程中,两名信差也当场丧命。

5.The rest of the G20 worries about being caught in the crossfire of a global currency war.其它G20成员国担心会卷入一场“全球汇率战”。

6.He died while saving injured neighbours from the aftermath of a car bomb, caught in the crossfire between Iraqi troops and angry residents.当他在一次汽车炸弹事件后拯救受伤的邻居时,在伊拉克部队与愤怒居民之间的火拼中死去。

7.Europe's banks, holding tens of bilpons of euros worth of bonds issued by those troubled governments, are caught in the crossfire.欧洲的银行持有由身处困境的政府发行的价值数百亿欧元的债券,这些银行如今是麻烦重重。

8.Many of Ms Perlman's study group, their children and grandchildren, have been caught in the crossfire.许多珀尔曼女士的研究队伍,他们的子孙都在双方交火中被逮捕了。

9.Medical teams were caught in the crossfire of the opposing armies.医疗队陷入了敌军的交叉火力中。

10.When two industrial giants clash, small companies can get caught in the crossfire .两工业巨头交火时,小公司难免遭殃。