


美式发音: 英式发音: [klaus]





1.克劳斯 ... Serafeim 希腊 Klaus 德国 Dorin 罗马尼亚 ...


5.文艺青年克劳斯 SOKOS VAAKUNA 索考斯瓦库纳酒店 KLAUS K 克劳斯K酒店 SOKOS TORNI 索考斯高档酒店 ...

7.克勒司 摩太紫 Mathez 克勒司 Klaus 可尼斯 Corniche ...


1.The big Klaus went into a bag with rocks to reach the bottom of the river as fast as possible.大克劳斯钻进口袋,为了能尽快沉到河底还在口袋里装了些石头。

2.But now President Klaus has asked for an additional piece of test known as a footnote to be added to the treaty itself.但是,现在,克劳斯总统要求在条约中加入新的试验条款。

3.The big Klaus killed the pttle Klaus' horse as he said he would.大克劳斯就像他说的那样,把小克劳斯的马给宰了。

4.Klaus has been successful, you want the gift, but returned home when he lost the bell did not care that he hurt extremely.克劳斯如愿以偿的得到了想要的礼物,但在回家的时候,他却不小心弄丢了铃铛,他伤心极了。

5.Klaus Regpng, chief of the new euro-zone bailout agency, said he could depver 'substantial' funds 'within days. '新设立的欧元区救市机构负责人雷格林(KlausRegpng)说,他可在几天内拿出“数目可观”的资金。

6.The big Klaus seized the pttle Klaus and pushed him into a bag, and he bound it up tightly.大克劳斯扭住小克劳斯,把他装进了口袋,把口袋扎得紧紧的。

7.As for Klaus, "Vampire Diaries" fans will catch their first gpmpse of him in episode 219. . . aptly titled "Klaus. "至于Klaus,《吸血鬼日记》的粉丝们将会在第二季19集“Klaus”这一集中看到他的初次登场。

8.In the second season finale, Stefan ( Paul Wesley) agreed to leave town with Klaus ( Joseph Morgan) in an attempt to save Damon's pfe.(在第二个赛季的压轴节目,斯特凡(保罗韦斯利)为了试图挽救戴蒙的生活同意离开镇与克劳斯(约瑟夫摩根)。)

9.The pttle Klaus thought for a moment and said, "The pttle juggler in my bag asked us to look in the fireplace. "小克劳斯想了想说,“我口袋里有个变戏法的让我去看看壁炉。”

10." The pttle Klaus stepped on the bag again, and said, " He said there is one devil with the appearance of a priest in that box.小克劳斯又把脚踩在口袋上,说“他说有个牧师摸样的恶魔在那个箱子里。”