




1.英属开曼群岛 ... 阿根廷 Argentina 英属开曼群岛 Caymans 巴哈马 Bahamas ...

2.唔系血士唔系壮士系女仕唔系血士唔系壮士系女仕(CAYMANS) kurohime 天鹰仔 斗剑士 一条返工好闷的棍(L.W.K.) 白莲-韩山童 ISO9009(009女士) 绫小路

3.凯门鳄水蟒无毒,属于蟒蛇家族,常被称为“水蛇”。 水蟒猎食龟类、鸟类、哺乳动物,和小凯门鳄caymans)——南美鳄鱼。


1.At least 10 of the 30 companies psted in the Dow Jones Industrial Average have had units with addresses in the Caymans .而道琼斯工业指数的30家成分企业中,也至少有十家公司注册在开曼群岛。

2.Del Monte spokeswoman Vidya Samsundar had no immediate comment on why the company is incorporated in the Caymans.他们的发言人VidyaSamsundar没有立即对为什么将公司注册在开曼群岛发表评论。

3.The Caymans have no corporate income tax for companies incorporated there .开曼群岛是不向注册其上的公司征收所得税的。

4.Seagate spokesman Brian Ziel said yesterday that his company incorporated in the Caymans to reduce its taxes.希捷的发言人BrianZiel4日表示,他们在开曼群岛上注册公司是为了减税。

5.The survey also found that offshore centres, including the Channel Islands, the Caymans and Gibraltar, continue to face headwinds.调查还发现,海峡群岛(ChannelIslands)、开曼群岛(Caymans)和直布罗陀群岛(Gibraltar)等离岸金融中心继续遭遇逆风。

6.A five-story office building on South Church Street in the Caymans serves as the official address for 18, 857 corporations.位于开曼群岛南教堂街上的一幢5层办公大楼,却为18857家公司提供了办公地址。

7.Fabulous cup trick. -You pke that? He wants to fly the money to the Caymans. Afraid he might get robbed.了不起的杯子把戏,-你喜欢吗?他带钱到开曼群岛去他怕自己会被抢。

8.How have such Chinese firms thrived in the Caymans?中资公司为何纷纷选择在开曼群岛登记注册?