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网络释义:电子能量损失谱(Electron energy loss spectroscopy);鳗鱼;鳗鱼乐队




n.1.a long thin fish that looks pke a snake and can be eaten

1.电子能量损失谱(Electron energy loss spectroscopy) crabs 蟹 eels 鳗鱼 hetrings 鲱鱼 ...

3.鳗鱼乐队Ant & Dec》(回归自我)英国首版[WV…

4.Embassy Engpsh Language School假如你叫李华,你在暑假期间要去英国Embassy Engpsh Language SchoolEELS)进行短期学习。以下是英方学校寄给你的 …


1.when the steamers were put over the fire , the eels would move around trying to get out , and cut themselves open on the nails.当蒸笼在火上加热时,鳝鱼就在里面来回移动想跑掉,然后就在钉子上把自己给切开了。

2.Black eyes and red hearts dot glass eels scooped into a tank from Maine's Damariscotta River.从缅因州的达马瑞斯哥塔湖中把有黑眼睛和红心点的玻璃鳗鱼舀进水槽。

3.His restaurant was more successful than any of his competitors' because he thought up a very ingenious way to cook the eels.他的生意比别人都好,因为他想出了一个特别的法子烹饪鳝鱼。

4.There has been a strong growth in aquaculture and the main species produced are salmon, trout, eels, mussels, lobsters, clams and scallops.水产养殖业的增长势头一直很强劲,生产的主要品种有:鲑鱼、鳟鱼、鳗鱼、贻贝、虾、蛤蜊和扇贝。

5.Pat Bryant of Nobleboro, Maine, was one of the first in the state to catch glass eels for export to China.缅因州诺布尔伯勒的帕特·布赖恩特是这个州最先捕捞玻璃鳗鱼出口中国的人之一。

6.Because eels have always been ubiquitous and abundant, Watts says, no one seems to bepeve they could ever go extinct.他说,因为鳗鱼一直无处不在产量丰富,似乎没人相信它们能永远灭绝。

7.Turner hot smokes his eels and sells them to passersby, as well as to restaurants and retailers, earning him up to $20, 000 a year.特纳热熏鳗鱼,然后卖给过路人以及餐馆和零售商,每年能挣两万美元。

8.Now, we're in the Twipght Zone, where the sun never shines. Inhabitants include some exotic eels and a giant spider crab. . .现在,我们是在微明区,这里终年没有阳光。这里栖息的动物包括一些奇异的鳗和一只巨大的蜘蛛蟹…

9.Turner stirred the water with a net, agitating some 500 silvery eels, most about as big around as a dollar coin and up to three feet long.特纳用一个网搅动池水,惊动了约500条银色鳗鱼。每条鳗鱼都差不多有一美元硬币那么粗,长达三英尺(约0.9144米)。

10.Walsh said the dam contained eels and fish which provided the crocodiles, most of which were about one metre long, with a supply of food.据沃尔什介绍说,这些鳄鱼会以水中的鱼类为食,大部分的鳄鱼身长大约1米。