




1.中央大厅易而高效。HyperSpace 本周在拉斯维加斯消费电子展 (Consumer Electronics Show) 中央展厅 (Central Hall) 9014号凤凰科 …

4.中央会议厅从Ganges镇沿Lower Ganges 路向北行,就可看到中央会议厅Central Hall)。这栋古老的建筑建于1896年,历尽风雨,依然 …

5.中央大堂进入博物馆即见宽敞的中央大堂 (Central Hall),近入口处正中放有全长26米恐龙梁龙 (dinosaur Diplodocus) 的骨架重建模型, …

6.中央馆美国消费电子展的访客可前往中央馆Central Hall)的8602号徳州仪器DLP产品展位,体验前投影机及HDTV产品的DLP 科技 …

7.中央礼拜堂他的纪念牌匾,放在爱丁堡循道公会中央礼拜堂(Central Hall)里。他的奥运金牌,则由后人捐赠给爱丁堡大学,现仍在大学的旧 …


1.Walking into the central hall, Lu was greeted by a reporter just back from Kandaha and he said working there was too tired and dangerous.走进中央大厅,一个刚刚从坎大哈回来的记者和Lu打招呼,他对Lu说在半岛电视台工作既很累又很危险。

2.Space round the central hall of its main materials used in the wall of white plastic plate, the more bright and spacious space.圆形的中央展厅空间其墙面主要材料使用了乳白色的塑铝板,更显空间宽敞明亮。

3.The central hall was the office in which the emperor met foreign diplomats, and summoned his officials for consultation.大殿中间做为办公场所,皇帝有时会在这会见外国使节,或召见大臣议政。

4.Jo's body will pe in state at Pyongyang's Central Hall of Workers to receive mourners before a state funeral Wednesday, KCNA said.赵的遗体在周三举行国葬之前,将放在朝鲜工人中央大礼堂接受各方悼念。

5.Jishou drive east of the Miao people, clear and bright, its central hall of the Ching Ming Festival every year in beautiful field.吉首市东部地苗族人民赶清明,其中心会场每年都在丹青地清明场上句号。

6.Today almost every model made by Alexander can be seen in the central hall of an art salon in Zabaikalye.今天,几乎每个亚历山大创作的模型被陈列在一个后贝加尔艺术沙龙的中央大厅里。

7.Instead, the central hall's floor "was studded with rubies, sapphires [and] topazes" on his orders.结果,在他的命令下,中央大厅的地板镶嵌满了红宝石、蓝宝石和黄宝石。

8.Continuation of the central hall on both sides of the main exhibition hall style.两侧展厅延续了中央展厅的主格调。

9.Its large, cavernous central hall, constructed in the early 1900s, remains a bustpng hub of activity.它那巨大的、深邃的中央大厅,建造于1900年代早期,至今保留了活跃的繁忙中心。

10.An ecumenical service will be held at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster prior to the demonstrations.一个世界性的服务将于卫在威斯敏斯特中央大厅前的示威活动。