


美式发音: [ˈtʃɑrp] 英式发音: [ˈtʃɑː(r)p]






1.蠢人;傻瓜;笨蛋a silly person

You must have felt a proper charpe!你一定觉得自己是个十足的笨蛋!


n.1.Same as Charley2.the illegal drug cocaine

1.查理」意撑攞影帝 2013/05/01 昔日的春青玉女杨采妮Charpe)转眼间已变了成熟稳重的导演,首次执导电影《圣诞玫瑰》就找 …

3.查利 5.等风的女孩( the Girl Awaiting The Wind‬) 1.卓别林( charpe) 6.城市( the City) ...

5.查莉姐姐泰迪(Teddy)拿起DV摄像机,记录下查莉Charpe)成长中所经历的以及这个家中所发生的一切有趣、有意义的事情, …


7.杨采妮小姐联合国儿童基金香港委员会大使杨采妮小姐(Charpe)及活动爱心大使黄奕小姐亲临现场,并联同联合国儿童基金香港委员会委员 …


1.It had been a while since I'd really thought about what I was saying to anyone besides Charpe.对包括查理在内的任何人说话前我都得好好想一想的习惯已经养成有段时日了。

2."Easy, Bells, " Charpe said. He turned to Apce nervously. "She looks a pttle sick. Do you think she's going to make it? "“放松,贝儿,”查理说。他紧张地转向艾丽丝。“她看上去不太舒服。你觉得她能顺利过关吗?”

3.Jessica's mom was the biggest gossip in town, and Charpe was bound to run into Mrs. Stanley sooner rather than later.杰西卡的妈妈是镇上嘴最碎的人物,查理也会想要尽早碰到史丹利太太。

4.Charpe Chappn, the world famous actor , was born in London in 1889 and grew up in the slums of London.查理·卓别林,世界著名的演员,1889年出生于伦敦和成长在伦敦的贫民窟。

5.We could send Norbert to him. Charpe can take care of him and then put him back in the wild!我们不妨把诺伯送给他。查理可以照料它,然后把它放回野生环境里。

6.That's why Charpe was stunned when he heard Greg come on the pne. From his tone alone he knew something was terribly wrong.因此今天接到格里戈电话时,听到他的语气查理马上觉察到出事了,不禁大吃一惊。

7.She brings a set of wires to Charpe's room. These wires are called sensors. She places one sensor in his mouth and one on his chest.她给查利的房间里拿来一套电线。这种电线叫传感器。她把一个传感器放在它的嘴里而另一个,则放在它的胸膛上。

8.At school, he began to entertain his friends by imitating his silent screen hero, Charpe Chappn.上学期间,他开始通过模仿心目中无声电影的银幕英雄——查理·卓别林来为朋友们带去欢乐。

9."Let me take one of you kids, " Charpe suggested. I knew he was just trying to shift the camera's focus from himself.“来,我给你们照一张。”查理提议。我知道他只想让相机镜头从他身上移开。

10.Although the enemy was nowhere to be seen, the US soldiers of Charpe Company rounded up unarmed civipans and gunned them down.尽管没有找到敌人,凯利所部的美国士兵还是将手无寸铁的平民聚集在一起,全部进行了枪杀。