

last stand

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1.背水一战e端和iPad端的植物大战僵尸都有更新,新加入了“背水一战Last stand)”模式,其中有5个全新的关卡,一个无尽关卡以及 …

2.最后的战役 Sitrep 军情报告 Last Stand 最后一战 ★美军“游骑兵”特种部队( US Army Rangers) ...

6.最后的防线,虽然不算是大作,但是至少是采用的3D画面,不像是最后的防线Last Stand)这样的游戏采用的2D画面。

7.破釜沉舟 HS:Heroic Strike 英勇打击 LS:Last Stand 破釜沉舟 MS:Mortal Strike 致死打击 ...

8.屹立不倒 精灵的幸运 Elven Luck 屹立不倒 Last Stand 神秘光芒 Arcane Brillance ...


1.Here I wanted to make a gallant last stand in the past year . . . For us . . . But with you . . . Thank you for such good times together.在这里,我想作一个勇敢的最后立场,在过去的一年…对我们来说…但是,与你…感谢你这样的好时艰。

2.Which Hollywood blockbuster do you wish you were a part of: "Mission Impossible III" , "The Da Vinci Code" or "X-Men: The Last Stand" ?在以下好莱坞巨片里,你希望自己能出演哪一部:「不可能的任务3」、「达文西密码」或者「X战警:最后战役」?

3.But all this has about it the feel of a last stand.所有这一切最终都似乎将会是一致的。

4.otherwise, if Jackson led the Lakers to a three-peat for his final Last Stand, he'd win the COY running away.当然,如果禅师能站好最后一班岗帮助湖人队获得三连冠,也许这项殊荣可以考虑下禅师。

5.Your character in The Last Stand has a speech about experience and fear. What has experience made you more afraid of?你在《背水一战》中的角色发表过一个有关经验和恐惧的演讲。经验让你更惧怕什么呢?

6.When the fairies came to the last stand of trees, they found very few ripe peaches and had to pick the unripe ones.待到后树摘时,见那枝上花果稀疏,只有几个半红半白的桃子。

7.They are very dissatisfied with the prospect of Hillary Cpnton being the nominee. This may be their last stand.他们对于希拉里.克林顿被提名一事非常不满,这可能是他们最后一招。

8.The senator from New York is now looking to the contests in Texas and Ohio on March 4th to make her last stand.来自纽约的叁议院议员正在现在看在三月4日对德克萨斯和俄亥俄州的竞赛最后做她架。

9.a state which votes alongside Ohio on March 4th and is already being billed as her last stand.这个州和俄亥俄州一起在3月4号举行投票选举。明显地表明这是她最后的阵地。

10.They were basically going for the last stand.这是他们最后一次冲击。