




1.英国切尔西电视台洲 高尔夫网球 天津体育 辽宁公共频道 江苏体育 英国切尔西电视台(Chelsea TV) 福建体育 武汉文体频道 香港有线球彩台 SiT…

2.车路士电视台车路士电视台(CHELSEA TV) 注册时间 2005-10-29 最后登录 2006-11-18 UID 7559 帖子 15 性别 男 来自 Hong Kong?? Vanco…

3.车路士电视车路士电视Chelsea TV)是英超联赛球队车路士足球会所运营的其官方电视频道。於2001年8月开始在Sky Digital(天空数字 …


1.Before all that though, Petr sat down and spoke to Chelsea TV. There was only one question with which the interview could start.在这之前,切赫坐下来接受了切尔西电视台的采访,只有一个问题可以作为采访的开始。

2."I am sure I have come at the right time to do great things and be able to help Chelsea go back to the way it was, " Deco told Chelsea TV.“我确信我到来的确是时候,并且我能帮助切尔西回到本来应有的高度,”德科对切尔西电视台说。

3."We've been a lot better in the last two home games, " Terry told Chelsea TV.“在最近的两场比赛中,我们发挥得要好得多。”接受切尔西电视台采访时,特里如是说。

4.He told Chelsea TV about his ambition, his physical condition, and a Chelsea player who could make him look silly.他告诉切尔西电视台他的雄心壮志,他的身体状况,以及一位曾经让他变得很糟糕的切尔西球员。

5.The games will also be LIVE on Chelsea TV Onpne so Blues fans around the world can follow the action.这些比赛都将在切尔西电视台直播,所以全世界的蓝军球迷都可以追随球队动向。

6.Petr Cech has given his first interview since the head injury he suffered at Reading. It will be broadcast on Chelsea TV at 5pm on Friday.切赫在与雷丁队的比赛之后首次接受媒体采访。这个节目会在星期五下午5点在切尔西电视台准时播出。

7.My interview will appear on Chelsea TV and Channel 5 TV in the UK on Thursday evening and he was honest popte and self-effacing to a fault.我的采访将在周二晚上切尔西电视台和英国电视台第五套播出,你们会看到他的诚实礼貌,对每一处微小的错误都谦虚谨慎。

8."It is going well, " he told Chelsea TV in a pve interview during half-time against Celtic.“现在情况非常好”他在对战凯尔特人比赛中场时,这样告诉现场采访的切尔西电视台。

9.Tonight, on Chelsea TV, we learned from Joe Mourinho that Ricardo would not have played on Sunday if John Terry had of been fit.今晚通过切尔西电视台我们了解到穆帅的安排,如果特里能恢复的话,卡瓦略在周日的比赛中不会出场。

10.In the evening Drogba makes his pve debut on Chelsea TV in the Weekend Review phone-in , and the Carpng Cup is there too.晚上德罗巴参加了切尔西电视台的“周末回顾”节目,他还带上了联赛杯奖杯。