




1.黄色箭头(一家品牌化内容营销公司,主要业务为植入广告)的“黄色箭头”(Yellow Arrow)项目轻而易举找到并聚拢了每一个想要体验移动 …


1.The code for the object is displayed, with a yellow arrow in the left gray margin indicating the statement about to be executed.显示该对象的代码,而且左侧灰色空白处有一个黄色箭头,它指示将要执行的语句。

2.The yellow arrow to the left of the code points to the next statement to be executed .代码左侧的黄色箭头指向要执行的下一个语句。

3.The current pne is marked in the editor with a yellow background and a yellow arrow in the left margin.在编辑器中,当前行将以黄色背景进行标记,并且左边有黄色箭头。

4.A yellow arrow means that you should stop, unless you are too close to the intersection to stop safely.一个黄色的箭头代表着你应该停下,除非你离十字路口斑马线太近。

5.When the instruction pointer , designated by a yellow arrow, appears on a breakpoint, you are debugging your stored procedure .以黄色箭头表示的说明性指针在断点上显示时,说明正在调试存储过程。

6.A yellow arrow in the source code window indicates the current position, which is at the breakpoint.源代码窗口中的黄色箭头表示当前位置,当前位置在断点处。

7.Either on the back wall of the rear gob shield (blue arrow) or on a flange (side wall, yellow arrow).无论是在回墙后方采空区屏蔽(蓝色箭头)或法兰(侧墙,黄色箭头)。

8.When the instruction pointer, designated by a yellow arrow, appears on a breakpoint, you are debugging the trigger.以黄色箭头表示的指令指针出现在断点上时,说明正在调试触发器。

9.When the instruction pointer, designated by a yellow arrow, appears on a breakpoint, you are debugging the SQL CLR code.当用黄色箭头表示的指令指针出现在一个断点上时,说明正在调试SQLCLR代码。

10.the execution pointer remains in the original frame , which is still marked with the yellow arrow.执行指针保留在原始帧中,仍然用黄色箭头标记。