




1.首席战略官商美商达维飞码公司(DeviceVM)的邀请,出任首席策略官Chief Strategy Officer)一职。

3.首席策略长业者美商达维飞码公司(DeviceVM)邀请,出任首席策略长Chief Strategy Officer)一职。

4.好耶集团首席战略官 好耶集团首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer 好耶集团首席战略官 Chief Strategy Officer ...

5.首席策略主管le 的头号劲敌,近日有网站报导 Samsung 首席策略主管 (Chief Strategy Officer) - Young Sohn,他表示在工作都是用 Samsu…

6.战略总监人翁就是星巴克的董事长(Chairman)、首席 战略总监(Chief strategy officer)霍华德.舒尔茨(Howard Schultz)。

7.总策略师创立芝华财瑞之前,刘军博士历任华润上华半导体有限公司(CSMC Technologies)的市场总监,销售总监及总策略师(Chief Strate


1.Jason Wang, chief strategy officer at Chinatrust, confirms that meetings with potential investors so far have been less than serious.中信金控首席策略执行长王正新(JasonWang)证实,迄今与潜在投资者的会谈并不认真。

2.'The Internet sales numbers have been strong throughout the season, ' said John Squire, chief strategy officer at IBM Coremetrics.IBMCoremetrics首席策略官斯奎尔(JohnSquire)说,整个假日季,互联网的销售一直很强劲;

3."Some teachers think we're the worst thing to ever happen, " says Koofers Chief Strategy Officer Michael Rihani.“一些老师认为我们的所做所为是最糟糕的,”库佛斯的首席战略官员麦克尔里哈尼说。

4."There is no reason why this isn't something we can compete with, " says Peter Stern, chief strategy officer of Time Warner Cable.“没有理由说这不是我们能与之抗衡的,”时代华纳有线电视的首席战略官彼得·斯特恩这样说。

5.He is a pastor and chief strategy officer at NewSpring Church, based in North Caropna.他在北卡罗来纳州,是一名牧师,也是一名NewSpringChurch的首席策略官。

6.LAURA MATHER Cofounder, Chief Strategy Officer, Silver Tail Systems劳拉·马瑟银尾系统共同创始人首席战略官