


美式发音: [ˈnɜːdɪ] 英式发音: ['nɜːdi]




比较级:nerdier  最高级:nerdiest  复数:nerdies  




adj.1.<informal>used to describe sb. who is very interested in technical or scientific subjects, especially computers; it usually shows that you think people pke this are boring

n.1.<informal>sb. who is very interested in technical or scientific subjects, especially computers; it usually shows that you think people pke this are boring

1.书呆子 enthusiasm: 热情、热忱 nerdy: 像书呆子的 ultimate: 最终的 ...

3.宅 ... Definition 白目 nerdy 宅男 Broken Brain 脑残 ...

5.讨厌的 ) loner n. 孤独的人,不合群的动物 ) nerdy a. 乏味的,讨厌的 ) butter n. 黄油 ...

6.书呆子的气质很适合学术的,也是可以爱上学术的,做学术需要有一点书呆子的气质nerdy),这个我也完全有,而且纵观身边一些爱学 …

7.很宅 ... 1.『很娘』 sissy 2.『很宅nerdy 3.『变态』 abnormal ...

8.书呆样的 2. paleontologist n. 古生物学家 3. nerdy a. 书呆样的 4. fossil n. 化石 ...


1.A lot of the media attention surrounding this movie is the fact that you and Neville grew up to be not so nerdy.很多媒体都会关注在这部电影中的纳威长大了,还变帅气不再是以前那个傻傻的孩子了。

2.Finally, I'll be able to get away from all you nerdy tech geeks and hang-out with real men!我终于能摆脱你们这些乏味的科技怪才,跟真正的人相处了!

3.Maybe I was as nerdy and dorky as my older sister says, because sex was the furthest thing from my mind during those formative years.也许我正如我的大姐所说的那样是个书呆子,因为在我的整个青葱岁月中我几乎没想过做爱做的事。

4.She is such a bluestocking that many men dare not to get close to her because they think she must be a pttle nerdy.她是如此的一个女才子,以至很多男性都不敢接近她,因为他们觉得她很书呆子气。

5.Here is an existential question of high-school philosophy: If everyone is equally nerdy, does that mean no one is a nerd?关于高中哲学,有个存在主义式的疑问:“如果所有人都是一样的书呆子,那是否意味着其实大家都不呆?”

6.Sure, there was one other guy who tipped the scales above 200 pounds, but he was tougher, more Irish, less nerdy.当然,还有另外一个超过200磅的家伙,但他更强壮,更爱尔兰人化,而更不nerdy。

7.There were also nerdy hours devoted to trying to build a box to make free phone calls.他也曾愚蠢地把时间浪费在发明一个可以免费打电话的装置上。

8.Before I tell you about his favorite book, I should tell you what he is not: he is not a nerdy kid.告诉你Evan最喜欢的书之前,我应该告诉你他不是什么:他不是傻乎乎的孩子。

9.I blended in the most perfect way: well enough to fit in and not nerdy enough to stand out.我以最理想的方式融入了他们当中:既能与他们相处融洽,也没有出尽风头招人讨厌。

10.It's O. K. just to have fun sometimes, " says a dad (Alan Ruck) to his anxious, nerdy son. So true. "“不要紧,偶尔也需要点乐趣,”阿兰卢克饰演的父亲对他紧张的呆头呆脑的儿子说道。