




1.积 CHIK 绩 CHIK CHIN 前 ...

2.直值植殖积织 chi 志志 chik 直值植殖积织 ching 呈青静 ...

3.基孔肯雅病毒热(SHF) 蚊媒 5.登革出血热(DHF) 6.基孔肯亚出血热CHIK) 7.黄热病(YH) 动物 源性 8.阿根廷出血热(AHF…

5.戚 CHIGN 净 CHIK CHIK 绩 ...

6.绩 CHIK 戚 CHIK CHIK 积 ...

7.小鸡 chip 芯片 v.剥落;削) chik 小鸡) chit 芽 v.摘去芽) ...


1.Infected female mosquitoes were capable of transmitting CHIK virus to suckpng mice and chickens by biting and sucking blood.感染雌蚊经叮咬吸血,能将病毒传播给乳鼠和小鸡。

2.Another participant, Brian Chik Kuong-U (FIN Year 2) thinks that the workshop is very novel and helpful for him to enhance creativity.另一位参加者植光宇(财务学二年级)则认为工作坊很特别,而且有助他激发创意。

3.Chi Heng (chik-hung) is now the longest-running private program for educating AIDS orphans in China.智行基金会是目前中国运转时间最长的私人艾滋孤儿教育计划。

4."Chik words" First of all formal requirements in order to Confucianism for education thrust of the proposed specific requirements;《敕语》首先正式规定以儒学为教育本旨,提出具体要求;

5.Mei Tin Road southbound between Chik Fai Street and Che Kung Miu Road ;介乎积辉街及车公庙路之间的一段美田路南行;