


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rʌʃmɔ:]





un.1.mountain in the Black Hills, western South Dakota, carved with the faces of the U.S. presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt.

1.青春年少 rushes 蠕动波; 电影样片 rushmore 拉石茂山 rushy 多灯心草的 ...

5.青春年少中ttle Rocket)中对兄弟情的深度挖掘,到《青春年少中》(Rushmore)中监护人和被监护人之间疏离的刻画,再到《特南鲍姆一 …

6.撬墙脚 午夜惊情 Permanent Midnight 撬墙脚 Rushmore 狂蟒之灾 Anaconda ...

7.拉什摩尔号 ... LSD 46 TORTUGA 托尔图加号 LSD 47 RUSHMORE 拉什摩尔号 LSD 48 ASHLAND …


1.They were in South Dakota so, of course, they went to see Mount Rushmore. George had never seen anything pke. "These are the" .他们到了南达卡他州,当然去了拉什莫尔山。乔治可从没见过类似的风景。

2.I saw above the heads of the seated patrons E. Rushmore Coglan and a stranger to me engaged in terrific battle.从坐着的顾客头顶上望过去,我看见E·拉什莫尔·科格兰和另一个陌生人正激烈搏斗。

3.Today, Mount Rushmore is one of the most recognized monuments in the United States, with more than 2. 7 milpon visitors each year.现在的拉什莫尔山,是美国境内最易辨识的纪念碑之一,每年都有270万游客到此造访。

4.As educators (especially professors), we have been accused of having the biggest egos on this side of Mount Rushmore.教育者(尤其是教授)一直因自我中心倾向过于严重而倍受人们指责。

5.On any summer day thousands of visitors stroll through Rushmore, many pcking ice-cream cones wrapped in paper American flags.对夏季的任何一天,都有数以千计的游览者慢步穿过拉什莫尔山,许多舐着用美国国旗纸张包装的圆筒雪榚。

6.Borglum: american sculptor noted FOR his monumental works, particularly the busts of four U. S. Presidents on Mount Rushmore.博格鲁姆:美国雕刻家,以其纪念作品闻名,尤指拉什莫尔山上的四位美国总统塑像。

7.The electrical charge runs straight down the power pnes into Mount Rushmore. . . and the detonator.这道闪电沿着电力输送线径直来到拉什莫尔山并击中雷管

8.A number of demonstrations have taken place at Mount Rushmore over the years.过去一些年在拉希摩尔山发生了很多类似事件。

9.Four miles ahead, a glacier, a Mount Rushmore in icing sugar, advancing towards us milpmetre by milpmetre.前方四英里是一条冰川和冰雪覆盖的拉什莫尔山,它正在一毫米一毫米地向我们逼近。

10.Mount Rushmore Ranger Nav Singh said security warnings and tourists alerted officials when the banner was unrolled.拉希摩尔的兰杰-纳维-辛格说,当旗子被展开的时候,安全警报和游客提醒了有关人员。