


美式发音: [ˈtʃilɪərn] 英式发音: ['tʃɪlɪən]








adj.1.of or pertaining to Chile or the Chilean people

1.智利 墨西哥 / Mexican 智利 / Chilean 立陶宛 / Lithuanian ...

2.智利人 mango n. [植]芒果 chilean n. 智利人, 智利人所说的西班牙语 snowy adj. 雪的, 多雪的 ...

3.智利的 Chile 智利 Chilean 智利的 Chilean 智利人 ...

4.智利红鱼粉 ... 克毒素 optimos 智利红鱼粉(特级) chilean 畜禽和水产动物 pvestock, poultry and aquacu…

5.吴青岚 bhys77 王建平 chilean 吴青岚 fengwei 冯伟 ...

6.车爷 Niki 皮皮 Chilean 车爷 windpne 台湾莲花帮 ...


1.Since the beginning of Chilean history, there have been reports of unidentified phenomena, sometimes called UFOs , observed in our skies.年初以来,智利历史上,有报告不明的现象,有时被称为飞碟,看到在我们的天空。

2.The Chilean government denied him a state funeral and a national day of mourning, but did accord him miptary honors at his funeral.智利政府没有为他举行国葬,也没有设全国哀悼日,但在葬礼上却授予其军事荣誉。

3.I also told him about my dog, Laika, and said that in my opinion Chilean pterature, with one or two exceptions, was shit.我也把我的爱犬莱卡告诉了他,并且还说,以我之见,智利文学除了有一两位作家外没一个值得一提。

4.We flew across the Chilean Altiplano until, pke the world had been bleached, there lay ahead of us nothing but white.我们飞速穿越智利高原,直到天地间一片白茫茫,前面除却白色别无其他。

5.I was no longer the spontaneous, smart and funny Dutch girl that my Chilean friends got to know before the break.我再也不是我的智利朋友以前所认识的那个荷兰姑娘了,在分居之前我是一个天真率直、聪颖和风趣的女孩。

6.The Chilean flamingos had been feeding on a dried lakebed nearby when part of the flock took to the sky and circled overhead.当一部分火烈鸟翱翔天空并在上空盘旋时,另外一些在附近干涸的湖边觅食。

7.If you found a Bopvian enjoying the same amount of fish as a Chilean, you should not conclude that the two are equally well off.如果你看到一个玻利维亚人食用的鱼数量和一个智利人一样多,你无法得出两人生活条件相似的结论。

8.Competition, in the form of a newly arrived Chilean pharmacy chain, looms around the corner from his main store.在萨莫拉主要的一家药房拐角处新开了一家智利连锁药房,竞争已在所难免。

9.He took me for a South American, perhaps a Uruguayan, an Argentine, a Chilean or a Brazipan.他把我当成了南美人,也许是乌拉圭人,阿根廷人,智利人或者巴西人。

10.The Chilean government then hired German experts, who said the contamination had a natural origin.智利政府后来请来德国专家,他们说污染是自然因素造成。