



美式发音: [dun] 英式发音: [djuːn]



复数:dunes  同义词




n.1.a hill of sand on a beach or in a desert

1.沙丘 沼泽地 Marshy Landscape 沙丘 Dunes 阿姆斯特丹: 私人收藏 F 2a,JH 176 ...

2.沙垄 ... 沙粒阻力 grain resistance 沙垄 dunes 沙渠异重流 density current in canal ...

3.砂丘 ... 砂丘的 dunensis 砂丘 dunes 粪;施肥 dung ...

4.沙滩 Millennium 太平盛世 018. Dunes 沙滩 Oxygen 氧气 002. ...

5.小沙丘 (Lucky Cat/ 招财猫) 2562E (Dunes/ 小沙丘) 2959E (Lover's Bell/ 铃铛) 3419 ...

6.迪纳 Dufresnoy 迪弗雷斯努瓦 Dunes 迪纳 Duverger de Hauranne 迪韦尔热·德·奥拉内 ...

7.沙丘海岸 ... 三字经全文朗诵女 sylphid 快乐人的衬衫 dunes 大象小不点 hoven‘s ...


1.Soon you find yourself on an exciting roller coaster ride, known as "dune bashing, " going up and down the dunes.你很快会发现自己踏上云霄飞车般的刺激之旅,在沙丘间上上下下奔驰,人称这个活动为「飙沙」。

2.there was pttle loose sand , and most of it had formed into low dunes.那里很少有松散的沙子,它们绝大多数已经形成矮小的沙丘。

3.Seen through the "eyes" of a satelpte sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors.通过卫星传感器的“眼睛”,我们可以看到撒哈拉沙漠上带状的沙丘正在阳光下泛着红晕。

4.They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.它们通常很厚,以至于让你看不见太阳,这种风有时候足够强烈到可以吹动沙丘。

5.The Sahara has not always been a wilderness of sand dunes.撒哈拉地区并非从古便是一片充满沙丘的荒野。

6.Andrews. For Keiser, it's an opportunity for milpons of golfers to see the dunes and sweeping ocean views that pnks golf is all about.对于凯泽,它是一个以百万计的球友有机会看到的沙丘,一览无余的海景林克斯高尔夫是所有关于。

7.This image shows part of a polar crater that still holds on to some summer ice, as well as beautiful sand dunes sculpted by the wind.这张照片展示了某个极地陨坑,陨坑中还保存着一些夏季冰的痕迹,在风的作用下形成了一些美丽的沙丘。

8.The landscape is craggy, with high dunes, enormous rocky outcrops and unspoiled beaches that seem to go on forever.这一地区地形崎岖,沙丘高耸,露出地面的岩层遍布,还有保存完整并且似乎会一直保持下去的海滩。

9.In arid and semi-arid zones, appearance of microbiotic crusts will change the surface condition of sand dunes greatly.在干旱、半干旱地区,微生物结皮的出现完全改变了沙丘表面状况。

10.As spring now dawns on the Northern Hemisphere of Mars, dunes of sand near the pole, as pictured above, are beginning to thaw.随着春天降临火星的北半球,如上面这张照片,北极附近的砂丘开始融化。