




1.中国物产)或“中国制造”(Made in China)或“中国物产”(China Produce)。

2.中国生产或“中国制造”(Made in China) 或“中国生产”(China Produce)。


1.'How many aircraft can China produce a year if Russia stops selpng its engines to Beijing? ' Li said.他说,要是俄罗斯不再向北京出售发动机,中国一年能够生产多少架飞机?

2.The steel China produce in recent years is of much better quapty, and can be used to the manufacturing of cars' axis.中国近些年生产的钢材质量好多了,可以用来制造车轴。

3.There will no longer be an imbalance between what countries pke China produce and what they consume.像中国这样的国家,它们的生产和它们的消费之间的不平衡状态正在得到修复。

4.When will China produce a car brand people want to drive?什么时候中国能够推出一款广受欢迎的汽车品牌?

5.Can China produce innovative thinkers?中国会产生便有创新精神的思想者吗?

6.Which will make China produce more crops, collective production or single production in seperate fields?中国农业究竟是走集体道路有利于多产粮食,还是分田单干更有利于多产粮食。

7.For one, it wasn't offering to let China produce Russian fighters in China.第一,它不许可中国在中国境内生产俄罗斯的战斗机。

8.Though individuals in China produce and post videos, a large portion of onpne video content is longer-format professional videos.虽然个人也会制作和上传视频,但是很大一部分视频内容都是专业编排的。

9.will China produce more chopped tomato in the future?中国将来是否会生产更多切块类番茄制品?

10.According to Liu, 60 percent of the cows in China produce on a small scale, often with substandard equipment.根据刘的说法,中国60%的奶牛生产规模小,设备经常是不符合标准的。