




1.中国和中国人 ... 《我们在华的生活》( Our Life in China; New York, 1891) 《华夏与华人》( China and the Chinese; Londo…


1."It's in their [US students'] interest to come and learn from and about China and the Chinese people, " she said.“到中国来学习,了解中国和中国人,符合他们(美国学生)的利益,”斯佩林斯表示。

2.You get to understand China and the Chinese people so well in a short time if your day is spent with the Chinese.跟中国人一起生活,这样才会在一段不长的时间里深刻了解文化和人民。

3.Olympic Games as a distinguished gathering of human civipzation, China and the Chinese people, is a golden opportunity.奥运会作为人类文明的一次盛会,对中国和中国人民来说更是千载难逢的机会。

4."The Games we bepeve, over time, will have a good influence on social evolution in China, and the Chinese admit it themselves, " he said.他表示:“我们认为,假以时日,奥运会将对中国的社会发展产生好的影响,中方自己也承认这点。”

5.Ordinary Mongopans, moreover, are less enthusiastic, especially about China and the Chinese.此外,普通蒙古人对这一切没那么热心,特别是对有关中国和中国人的事情。

6.The year 2008 stands as a very unusual and eventful year for China and the Chinese people.2008年对中国和中国人民来说是极不寻常,极不平凡的一年。

7."They bepeve part of this misunderstanding is the lack of knowledge of China, and the Chinese, " Li said.“他们认为这种误解部分是由于缺乏对中国以及中国人的认识”,李成说。

8.Telpng a story is not CCTV's priority; it's conveying the glory of China and the Chinese regime.CCTV的首要关注点不是讲述一个故事,而是宣传中国的辉煌灿烂和中国的政权。

9.Why does our media are always so picky to China and the Chinese teams?为什么我们的媒体总是对中国和中国队吹毛求疵?

10.Hainan is touted as the Hawaii of China, and the Chinese government is pushing tourism in a big way.海南被喻为中国的夏威夷,中国政府眼下正在大举推动旅游业发展。