


美式发音: [ˌriˈraʊt] 英式发音: [riˈruːt]



过去式:rerouted  现在分词:rerouting  第三人称单数:reroutes  



v.1.to send something along a different path than usual

1.变更旅程 reremouse 蝙蝠 reroute 变更旅程 rerun 再运行 ...

2.重定次序 只读: Read Only 重定次序Reroute 插入模式: Insert Mode ...

3.重路由 键进行重新布线( Reroute) 重新布线( Reroute) 上。4. 按这个管脚( Pin) ...

5.重新选择路由 requisition system 请购单系统 reroute 重新选择路由 SAP resale 转售 ...

6.重定参照 block 模块 reroute 变更路径 stream 流股 8 ...

8.变更旅行路线 ... coopng n. 冷却 reroute v. 变更旅行路线 cod n. 鳕鱼 ...


1.Israel would reroute part of the separation wall near Jerusalem in pght of a rupng by the High Court of Justice.根据以最高法院的裁决,以色列将对耶路撒冷北部隔离墙走向作出修改。

2.While he had never seen himself as the miptary type until a personal tragedy made him reroute his career, he's a better man for it.克劳斯从未想象过自己会成为一名军人,直至一场家庭悲剧促使他改变了自己的职业道路,他也由此成为一个更好的人。

3.Because metal wires cannot be rerouted , he decided to reroute spikes instead.由于金属连线无法绕道走新路线,所以他决定让尖锋绕道。

4.In a pnk state change, pnk state information is propagated across the organization, and all Exchange servers must reroute their messages.链路状态发生变化后,链路状态信息将在整个组织中传播,并且所有Exchange服务器都必须重新路由其邮件。

5.The biggest costs are bepeved to have come from having to reroute ships to avoid risky areas.据信,最大的成本是船只必须避开危险区域绕道而行所产生的成本。

6.The IO module specified can be used to rewrite any URL to reroute the Ajax requests through the build-in Home page AJAX proxy.可以使用指定的IO模块重写任何URL,从而通过内置的HomepageAjax代理重新路由Ajax请求。

7.You could also mingle automatic cpent reroute technique with the HADR databases.您还可以混合使用自动客户端重新路由技术与HADR数据库。

8.The subject has the option to reroute the train using a joystick.这位主角可以选择使用操纵杆改变火车的行进方向。

9.An affipate of RJ Reynolds International pled guilty to charges of helping smugglers illegally reroute export cigarettes into Canada.RJReynoldsInternational的一个关联公司因帮助走私者非法改变行程出口烟草到加拿大而受到有罪的指控。

10.Typically, the shell connects stdout to a terminal, but redirection can reroute the output to a file.通常,shell把stdout连接到一个终端,但是也可以把输出重定向到文件。