




1.中国国旗 2、最新消息 the latest news 3、中国国旗 Chinese national flag 4、安全着陆 land safely ...


1.The red Chinese national flag, with the five yellow stars, fluttered everywhere, welcoming one and all to the Olympic Games.到处都是鲜艳的五星红旗,我们万众一心迎接奥运。

2.As the Chinese national flag was rising and the national anthem ringing in my ears I was moved to tears just as the medapsts.当中国国旗升起、国歌在耳边奏响时,我和获奖者一样激动得流泪。

3.Yao Ming, Chinese NBA basketball star, will carry the Chinese national flag at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games.姚明,NBA篮球巨星,将在北京奥运会开幕式上担任中国的旗手。

4.The Chinese Youth League of Sydney is shown raising the Chinese national flag to mark the victory of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949.中国青年联赛的悉尼是显示提高中国国旗,以庆祝胜利,中国共产党在1949年。

5.The Chinese national flag is seen during the Beijing Olympic Games on TV outside a store in Beijing.北京一处胡同小卖铺外的电视里,中华人民共和国国旗正在奥运跳水比赛的颁奖仪式上冉冉升起。

6.Seeing the Chinese national flag rising and Chinese president making a speech, I was deeply moved.看到中国国旗升起、国家主席江泽民发表讲话,我被深深地打动了。

7.Students draw the Chinese national flag on a chalkboard during an activity to mark National Day, Sept. 30, 2007, in Nanjing.南京一所小学,为了庆祝中国国庆,孩子们在黑板上画国旗。

8.He waved to everyone on Earth and showed the Chinese national flag.他向地球上的每一个人挥手致意并展示了中国国旗。

9.Hoist the Chinese national flag on the fore mast, please!请在前桅升起中国旗!

10.Do you know the Chinese national flag on a big star and four stars on behalf of awareness of what it ?你知道中国国旗上的一颗大星星和四个星星代表什么意识吗?