




1.中国海军现在直接称为中国陆军(Chinese Army)、中国海军(Chinese Navy)和中国空军(Chinese Air Force),以及中国海军陆军队(Marin…

2.中国海军军情 Chinese Navy 中国海军军情 Top Secret Archives of Yesterday 昨天的绝密档案 ...


1.'Do I wish my relations with my counterparts with the [Chinese navy] was more robust and stronger? Absolutely. '他说,我是否希望我与中国海军指挥官之间的联系能够更紧密?当然如此。

2.The Chinese navy can also protect the sea routes over which South China Sea oil must be carried, he said.塞耶说,中国海军还可保护运送南中国海石油的海上航线。

3.But have the report and state , Chinese navy from2006Year began to purchase and equip Russia "Buffalo" Air cushion of pattern .但是有报道说,中国海军从2006年开始采购装备了俄罗斯的“野牛”型气垫登陆艇。

4.He stressed that Chinese navy was conducting normal training which posed no threat to any country.强调中国海军系正常训练,不对任何国家构成威胁。

5.The Chinese navy is building a carrier, and keeping U. S. ones out of China's waters is seen as rightful deference to its growing power.中国海军正在建造航母,并将能拒美国航母与中国海域之外视为是中国实力增长应得的尊重。

6.The deployment of the Chinese navy in the Gulf of Aden in January was the fleet's first operational venture beyond the Pacific region.中国海军今年一月在亚丁湾开展护航任务是其首次出太平洋海域执行任务。

7.ON AUGUST 10th, after years of secretive work, the Chinese navy launched its first aircraft-carrier on its maiden voyage.8月10日,经过多年秘而不宣的施工,中国海军的第一艘航母进行了它的处女航。

8.But at the same time, they have no interest whatsoever, at least now, of making those into ports for the Chinese navy.但同时,他们对将那些海港建成军港没有丝毫兴趣,至少现在看来是这样。

9.The Chinese navy has constructed what appears to be a demagnetization facipty near an East Sea Fleet submarine base.中国海军在一个东海舰队潜艇基地附近显示已经建成一处消磁站。

10.From the miptary sense, Taiwan's reunification will result the moving from the coastal waters to the Ocean for Chinese Navy thoroughly.从军事上讲,台湾的回归,中国海军将彻底告别近海,走向大洋。