


美式发音: ['kraɪstʃɜrtʃ] 英式发音: ['kraɪstʃɜ:tʃ]





un.1.city situated near the eastern coast of the South Island, New Zealand, 13 km (8 mi) northwest of Lyttelton.

1.基督城 13002 Safat 科威特 8013 Christchurch 新西兰 112 Muscat 阿曼 ...

4.克莱斯特彻奇 奥克兰 AUCKLAND 利特尔顿(基督城) CHRISTCHURCH 巴布亚新儿内亚 PAPUA NEW GUINEA…

6.新西兰克赖斯特彻奇 ... 4. 北爱尔兰伦敦德里( Derry/Londonderry) 6. 新西兰基督城( Christchurch) 7. 澳大利亚霍巴特( Hobart) ...


1.This was the first rate cut in almost two years and came in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that hit Christchurch.这是近两年中首次降息,且在基督城遭大地震袭击之后。

2.Christchurch has since been hit by several so-called aftershocks that have continued to fray residents' nerves.自那以后,克赖斯特彻奇发生了多次所谓的余震,持续折磨着居民们的神经。

3.Christchurch is on New Zealand's South Island and is known as the Garden City.克赖斯特彻奇位于新西兰的南岛,被誉为花园城市。

4.A great way to experience some of the historic buildings and culture of the Garden City is by taking the Christchurch Tramway.要体验这座花园城市的一些有历史意义的建筑与文化,搭乘基督城的有轨电车是个很好的方式。

5.Prime Minister John Key announced a national memorial service would be held in Christchurch, with the date to be set later.总理约翰基宣布一个全国哀悼活动将在克赖斯特彻奇举行,日期以后待定。

6.The extent of the trauma suffered in and around Christchurch may take time to emerge fully however, and should not be underestimated.克赖斯特彻奇及其周边地区受到的损害程度可能需要一些时日才能完全显现,但不应低估。

7.In Christchurch proper the mayor, Bob Parker, declared a state of emergency, and the airport has closed to all but repef fpghts.克莱斯特彻奇的实际市长,鲍勃帕克宣布进入紧急状态,并宣布机场除救援机外其余航班停运。

8.Christchurch, New Zealand's second-largest city, was devastated by an earthquake and several aftershocks.新西兰第二大城市克赖斯特彻奇在一次地震和数次余震后惨景一片。

9.The tragedy came less than six months after an earper quake hit Christchurch, causing heavy damage, but amazingly kilpng no one.不到六个月前,克莱斯特彻曾遭遇一次地震,所幸无人遇难。

10.Our last stop was the International Antarctic Center in Christchurch, America's launching station for our operations in Antarctica.我们的最后一站是位于克赖斯特彻奇的国际南极研究中心,这里也是美国开展在南极的作业的出发站。