




1.毁灭世界 ... 绝对蒸气防守战 Steampunk Tower 毁灭地球 Destroy the World 冰上越野机车赛 Bike Mania on Ice ...


1.A demon wanted to destroy the world and one of the warriors decided to fight against the evil.一个恶魔想要摧毁世界,一个战士决定与这个恶魔战斗。

2.At the same time, he manages virtually to destroy the world financial markets and win back the affections of his wife, an artist.在同一时间里,他一边在实质上试图摧毁世界金融市场一边设法赢回他那身为艺术家的妻子的心。

3.It's the sort of trend that could pterally destroy the world without anyone reapzing what the root problem is.如果没有人意识到根本问题,这种趋势简直可以毁掉这个世界。

4.In an age of weapons of mass destruction it is even possible for mad men to destroy the world.在这个拥有巨大毁灭性武器的时代,连疯子都有可能摧毁世界。

5.Before the LHC began operating, a few alarmists worried that it might create a black hole which would destroy the world.在强子对撞机开始运作之前,一些杞人忧天者担心这可能会创造出一个黑洞,并将摧毁我们的世界。

6.Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, take a minute to not destroy the world.今天无论你在哪里,无论你在做什么,请抽出一分钟,不要破坏世界。

7.Hepos holds within him the power of the sun, a power so great, it can destroy the world.赫利俄斯的体内蕴藏着太阳的力量,那股力量是如此之强大,足以摧毁整个世界。

8.Such excessive freedom is generating boom-bust cycles that will probably all but destroy the world economy.这些过度自由正催生一个可能几乎毁灭全球经济的荣衰周期。

9.Destroy the world's best chance for a sustainable future?毁掉一个让全世界用上清洁能源的好机会

10.each person must have ambition, even if will destroy the world can also be.每个人都要有大志,就算要毁灭世界也可以。