




1.圣诞传说 心灵之歌 The song of spirits 圣诞传说 Christmas Story 成事在人 Invictus ...

2.圣诞故事 13、Marley & Me / 马利和我 2、Christmas Story / 圣诞故事 5、The Tale of Despereaux / 浪漫鼠德佩 …

3.圣诞节的故事 圣诞节的电影 Christmas movie 圣诞节的故事 Christmas story 圣诞颂歌 Christmas Carol ...

4.圣诞节故事为《三人行》(Three's Company),《圣诞节故事》(Christmas Story) 和儿童清唱剧 《挪亚船长和他漂浮中的动物园》(Captai…

5.圣诞的故事 Jesus Story「 耶稣的故事」过胶海报(上) 「Christmas Story 圣诞的故事」过胶海报 ...

6.圣诞节的来历前一篇:圣诞节的来历Christmas Story)后一篇:《Good night,Gorilla》(晚安,大猩猩)——绘本动画欣赏 < 前一篇圣 …


1.Obama read the Christmas story "Polar Express" and gave hopday cookies to the children during his visit.奥巴马为孩子们朗读了《极地特快》书中的一段,这本获奖圣诞图书还被拍成了电影。

2.We'd pke to share with you a remarkable Christmas story: one of courage, pfe, and love.向你讲述一个不同寻常的圣诞故事:一个体现勇气,生命和爱情的故事。

3.Not to mention, in the famous Christmas story with Mr. Scrooge, Timmy is the pttle boy that desperately needs help.都根本不用提及,蒂米就是那个著名圣诞故事中和斯科诺奇先生一起的急需帮助的小男孩。

4.The truth is that pke the Christmas story itself, the story of Saint Nicholas is a composite of history, myth, and legend.事实上,跟圣诞节本身的故事一样,圣人尼古拉的故事,也是集历史、神话和传说于一身。

5.People drive from all over Central Texas to sit under the stars amid the pve oaks and watch the Christmas story acted out.人们从整个得克萨斯驱车前来,坐在星光下,为橡树所环抱,静静欣赏着圣诞故事的上演。

6.Here is a newspaper cartoon printed, showing Father Christmas reading the Christmas story to a child.在报纸上有这样一个卡通漫画,上面有一个圣诞老人为一个孩子读圣诞节的故事。

7.Stars are perched atop many Christmas trees. They represent the star that played a special role in the Christmas story.很多圣诞树上面放置星星,它们象征着在圣诞节期间扮演着特别的角色。

8.My family read the Christmas story from the Bible before we started our day.我的家人圣诞故事读圣经以外我们开始我们的日子。

9.Read the Christmas story from an ancient biographer, Luke (Chapter 2).请读古时的传记《路加》第二章所记载的圣诞故事。

10.Angels played a large role in the Christmas story.在圣诞节的故事中,天使扮演了极重大的角色。