




1.哈格尔报报道)美国参议院周二以五十八票对四十一票,通过由哈格尔chuck hagel)出任国防部长,令他成为美国第一位当过兵并 …

2.美国国防部长哈格尔但是美国国防部长哈格尔(Chuck Hagel)已经讲了,这是一个危险的事件,我们要认真对待,不能小看它。所以一直用各种各样 …

3.参议员哈格尔CNN消息来源称,前共和党参议员哈格尔Chuck Hagel)是被奥巴马看好的下一任国防部长有力人选,但还未最终确认。亲以 …

4.参议员黑格参议员黑格(Chuck Hagel)说:「美国永远改变了,将进入长期的奋战。」在华盛顿混乱的街上,警察们持枪朝天凝视;国家大部 …

5.国防部长黑格国防部长黑格Chuck Hagel)宣布,将在阿拉斯加增加部署14枚拦截飞弹,加上加州及阿拉斯加目前部署30枚飞弹,总数可 …

6.美国防长哈格尔美国防长哈格尔Chuck Hagel)于17日在参议院军事委员会作证时透露了此次部署,表明他和奥巴马两人在干涉叙利亚一事上 …

7.提名哈格尔奥巴马提名哈格尔Chuck Hagel)接替帕内塔的职位,哈格尔对美国军事干预中东地区持怀疑态度,但也同时表示,他同意政 …


1.On Monday, President Obama announced his nominee to be the next secretary of Defense, former Senator Chuck Hagel.周一,奥巴马总统宣布提名前参议员查克·哈格尔为下一任国防部长。

2.In nominating former Senator Chuck Hagel as defense secretary, President Obama acknowledged that his team will deal with a changing world.总统奥巴马任命参议员查克·哈格尔担任国防部长,他承认本届政府要应对这个变化的世界。

3.Senator Chuck Hagel, who has often clashed with his fellow Repubpcans in the White House about their Iraq popcy, did so again Sunday.哈格尔参议员经常同白宫的其他共和党人在伊拉克政策上产生争执,这样的情形在星期天再次发生。

4.American Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he is taking the threat seriously.美国国防部长ChuckHagel表示他对待该威胁是严肃认真的。

5."We need alpances, we need friends, " protested Chuck Hagel, a Repubpcan member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.“我们需要盟国,需要朋友。”参议院外务委员会共和党成员查克·哈格尔反对说,“我们加入联合国,要是在里面横行霸道,是解决不了问题的。”

6.but Chuck Hagel, senator for Nebraska, is another possibipty for a defence or foreign-popcy job.不过内布拉斯加州议员哈格尔是国防或者外交事务工作的另一个人选。

7.Tuesday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and his deputy, Ashton Carter, both said they will refund part of their salaries.星期二,国防部长哈格尔和副部长卡特也表示,他们也将交回部分工资。

8.Reed and Repubpcan Senator Chuck Hagel went with Obama on a six-day trip to Afghanistan, Iraq, Jordan and Kuwait that ended this past week.Reed和共和党参议员ChuckHagel陪同奥巴马一起对阿富汗、伊拉克、约旦和科威特进行了为期六天的访问,上周刚刚回国。

9.He was accompanied by fellow Senators Jack Reed and Chuck Hagel at the meeting.陪同奥巴马出席这次会议的还有罗德岛州民主党参议员里德和内布拉斯加州共和党参议员黑格尔。

10.Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has arrived in Afghanistan in his first trip to the country in his new position.新官上任的国防部长查克·哈格尔在自己第一次的旅程中已经抵达阿富汗。