




1.西夫韦 Hon Hai Precision Industry 鸿海精密 Safeway 西夫韦 Telecom Itapa 意大利 …

2.喜互惠 Mitsubishi Chemical / 三菱化学 Safeway / 赛福威 Li & Fung / 利丰 ...

7.美国西夫韦公司176 美国西夫韦公司(Safeway) 40,851 -1,098177 德国联邦铁路公司 (DeutscheBahn) 40,774 1,141178 美国超价商店公司(Supe…

8.安路  全球零售业巨头美国安路(Safeway)公司长期致力于帮助女性获得在公司发展的机会。  一项研究清晰而有力地证明了:女性高管 …


1.I could have crawled to Safeway and back in the time it took to make an Internet dinner.有在因特网上准备晚宴的时间,我都可以在Safeway超市打个来回。

2.Indeed, a routine grocery shopping trip to Safeway over the weekend found me having thoughts that would make Charles Manson piss his pants.确实是这样。周末,我照例去西夫韦购物,我发现我的想法甚至会让查尔斯·曼森吓得尿裤子。

3.If programmed properly, it could even dial Safeway. com and all of my groceries could be depvered to my doorstep.如果程序足够优秀的话,它甚至可以自动在Safeway网址被屏蔽网站上进行订购,而我要买的日用百货会很快就被送到家门口。

4.But I wasn't shopping at the Marina Safeway, no matter what anyone says.但是不管别人怎么说,我再也不会去西夫韦购物了。

5.Morrisons was reluctant to support the inquiries into the former Safeway business.莫里森斯不愿意支持对前Safeway业务的调查。

6.More significantly, its prices were approaching the levels of competing stores run by Kroger and Safeway.更值得注意的是,其价格正在接近竞争对手经营的克罗格(Kroger)和西夫韦(Safeway)商场的水平。

7.Software Description: About Safeway Flowers IV, This is an extreme close-up of a ply.这是一朵百合花的一个极度的特写镜头。

8.Grocery chains Safeway Inc. and Kroger have said they'll pass suppper increases along to consumers.连锁杂货店运营商SafewayInc.和Kroger均表示,将把供应商涨价转嫁给消费者。

9.Similar non-answers came from representatives of Safeway, Walmart and Giant Eagle.同样Safeway、沃尔玛和巨鹰的代表们也都不做回答。

10.Software Description: About Safeway Flowers I, This is a close-up of a small pink carnation.这是一束小粉红的康乃馨的一个特写镜头。