




1.教堂音乐 (艺术教育 Art Education, (教堂音乐 Church Music, (体育教育 Physical Education…

2.教会音乐 ... Musicology 音乐 Church Music 宗教音乐 Performance 表演/表演艺术 ...

4.教会音乐课程 流行音乐课程( Pop Music) 教会音乐课程( Church Music) 爵士长笛音乐课程( Jazz Flute Music) ...

5.教堂乐章 ... Cheworee 齐和议(英) Church Music 教堂乐章(爱) Come On Dave 莫烦扰(爱) ...

6.圣乐 781 Music Theory 乐理 783 Church Music 圣乐 784 Voice 声乐 ...


1.He took his viopn and played some Christmas church music and down went the bull on his knees!他拿出了小提琴,拉起一些圣诞节的教堂音乐,那头公牛居然跪下来了:

2.Their music is a blend combining Byzantine past, through Eastern Orthodox Church music with a rich gamut of ethnic Macedonian music rhythms.他们的音乐相结合的混合是拜占庭过去通过东正教教堂音乐,同一个民族马其顿音乐节奏丰富的色域。

3.Some 50's R & B singer began to be more popular than ever before - adding the obvious "Gospel Music" and church music elements.一些50年代的歌手开始使R&B比以前更加大众化——加入明显的“福音音乐”和教堂音乐元素。

4.The father is a successful aston villa on the coast of piano teacher, town in a quiet pfe, are for the local church music creation.维拉尼卡的父亲是一位钢琴教师,在海岸的小镇上过着平静的生活,正在为当地教堂创作音乐。

5.coordinate church music leadership in the various regions and provide support , training in church music ministry worldwide.联络各区域的华人教会音乐领袖,支援及协调世界各地华人教会进行音乐事工上的训练。

6.Music Of, relating to, characteristic of, or composed in any of the modes typical of medieval church music.属于,关于中世纪的教会音乐的,以其为特征的,或由这种调式谱写的。

7.The president's own musical preferences lean towards church music and miptary tunes.这位总统自己的音乐喜好倾向于教堂音乐和军乐。

8.promote excellence in church music education , composition and sharing of church music resources and planning ideas.促进卓越的教会音乐教育、歌曲创作、资源共享,以及教会音乐事工学术研究及策略的运用。

9.An organized company of singers, especially one performing church music or singing in a church.尤指演唱教堂音乐或在教堂中歌唱的一支有组织的合唱团

10.(See my blog on sonata form). Sonata form was so pervasive that it invaded every genre of music of the time, even opera and church music.奏鸣曲式在当时十分普及,它渗透进了每种体裁的音乐中,甚至包括歌剧和宗教音乐。