




1.塔塔集团 ... Tisco 印度塔塔钢铁公司 TATA Group 印度达泰集团 Jamshedpur 贾姆谢德布尔 ...

6.跨国公司塔塔集团印度头号跨国公司塔塔集团(Tata Group)在国内面临的问题日益增多之际,其全球扩张计划也正遭遇挫折。从茶叶到酒店甚至是 …

7.印度达达集团    上个月,该州一名反对党领袖为了抗议印度达达集团Tata Group)要在一块农地上兴建汽车厂,而计划展开历时25天的绝食 …


1.It was a huge turnaround from the last two years, when the Tata group, pke many other Indian companies, was on an aggressive buying spree.这个决定和过去两年形成鲜明对照。当时,塔塔集团和很多其他印度公司一样,展开大举收购。

2.But Ratan Tata, the patriarchal boss of the Tata Group, had made it clear that a condition of the deal was that Mr Varin stayed.但是来自塔塔家族的董事长拉丹•塔塔却清楚的表态,这场交易顺利进行的其中一个条件就是瓦兰必须留下来。

3.On August 22nd Ratan Tata, chairman of the Tata group, threatened to move the Nano plant from the state if the company was not wanted.8月22日,塔塔集团主席拉丹·塔塔威胁说,如果公司在那里不受欢迎,塔塔将把Nano的生产工厂搬到别的州去。

4.IF INDIA were a nation of gamblers, the betting on who will succeed Ratan Tata, chairman of the Tata group, would be furious.假设印度是个充满赌徒的国家,那么打赌谁会继承塔塔集团的主席兰塔.塔塔之位,一定会异常火爆。

5."It's kind of pke the iPod, " says Tarun Khanna, a Harvard Business School professor who has studied the Tata Group for years.“他有点像ipod”,TarunKhanna说,作为哈佛商学院的教授他已经针对塔塔集团研究了数年。

6.In contrast, Tetley has been part of the Tata group for 10 years, yet the Tetley brand remains independent in terms of its identity.相比之下,泰特莱加入塔塔集团已有10年,但泰特莱品牌仍保持着独立的身份。

7.Ratan Tata, the chairman of the Tata group, said the chance to own the Jaguar brand was "irresistible" .塔塔集团主席拉丹•塔塔表示,拥有捷豹品牌的机遇让人“难以抗拒”。

8.The car was envisioned by Ratan Tata, Chairman of the Tata Group and Tata Motors, who has described it as an eco-friendly "people's car" .这辆车的构想来自由塔塔集团和塔塔汽车的董事拉丹·塔塔,他称其是非常环保的“属于人们的车”。

9.One of the most interesting new developments comes from India's biggest company, the Tata Group, which owns Tata Motors.最有意思的变化来自印度最大的公司——塔塔集团,塔塔集团拥有自己的塔塔汽车公司。

10.The most prodigious is the Tata group, which accounts for about one quarter of the total.塔塔集团(TataGroup)抵押的股权金额最为庞大,约为135亿美元的四分之一。