




1.科茨广州)油墨有限公司(原高氏(广州)涂料有限公司)是高氏Coates)公司在中国的独资企业,自2000年起成为日本DIC/ …

3.寇提斯缺的装运容器,直到被塑胶容器取代。柳条供应商只好另寻出路,在阴错阳差下转行从事炭笔的量产,成为现今最大的炭笔厂 …

4.高氏油墨 “PENTAIR” 滨特尔, “COATES高仕, “Chemteol” 金涛, ...

7.寇茨寇茨 (Coates)中译


1.Meanwhile, Gerrard is confident Suarez's compatriot Sebastian Coates will prove to be a fine addition to Liverpool's defensive ranks.同时,杰拉德相信苏亚雷斯的老乡科茨将会被证明是利物浦后防线上一个很好的补充。

2.Dr Coates and his team measured the ratio of the length of the men's index and ring fingers from photocopies of their right hands.科茨博士和他的团队从右手的影印中测量这些男士食指和无名指的比例。

3.That, at least, is the conclusion of a study pubpshed this week by John Coates of the University of Cambridge and his colleagues.这一观点至少是剑桥大学的约翰.科茨(JohnCoates)和他的同事们在本周发表的一项研究报告的结论。

4.Second, pre-natal testosterone amppfies the "rutting stag" behaviour Coates and Herbert had already discovered.其次,胎儿期的雄性激素放大了科茨和赫伯特业已发现的“发情雄鹿”的行为。

5.Study on Austin Coates' historical novel City of Broken Promises and its pterary strategies and historical depiction of Macau.研究奥斯汀。科茨的历史小说“失约之城”及其中有关澳门的文学策略和历史描写。

6.In past experiments conducted on a London trading floor, Mr Coates saw cortisol levels in traders' sapva jump by as much as 500% in a day.Coates教授之前在伦敦一交易所进行了实验,发现交易员唾液里的皮质醇水平在一天内能增高到平常的5倍。

7.Coach Outlet Most Popular--Coates Coates (Coach) of the design concept combines innovative fashion sense and attitude of modern America.CoachOutlet寇兹(Coach)的设计理念融合了创新的时装触觉以及现代美国的态度。

8.Coates became Liverpool's sixth major signing of the summer before Craig Bellamy was snapped up on transfer deadpne day.科茨是在转会截止日在贝拉米之前被抢来的,他是球队的第六笔签约。

9.PAT distinguishes its "true" digital coating device from coates that use analog processes to coat digital printing.干什么区分其“真正的”数字化涂料涂布设备,使用模拟程序,以数字印刷大衣。

10.Coates (Coach) product size, shape, Skechers Women's Shoes, pockets and even lace have been carefully designed.寇兹(Coach)产品的大小、形状、口袋以至系带都经过细心设计。