

cobalt blue

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adj.1.deep greenish blue in color

1.钴蓝的 cobalt 钴 cobalt-blue 钴蓝的 cobaltammine 钴氨化合物 ...


1.Today is National Day. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is cobalt blue, and a fresh breeze blows from the south.今天是国庆节,天气不太热,也不冷.天空是深蓝色,吹着凉爽的南风。

2.They are cobalt-blue on top and silvery-white below, with a pronounced dorsal fin and a long, lethal, spear-shaped upper jaw.它的顶部是钴蓝色,下面和银白色;有着明显的背鳍,还有着长长的、能致命的矛状上颚。

3.Depcate panels of burnished gold radiate from a grey body, finishing in cobalt blue spots around the edges.明亮的金色以灰色的身体为中心辐射成美妙的镶嵌色块,边缘是钴蓝色的小斑点。

4.The company had for years the productivity 500 ton cobalt metal quantity cobalt blue production pne.留学解答资讯网:公司具有年生产能力500吨钴金属量的钴盐生产线。

5.The steel in the canal water feature transforms into a cobalt blue glow.水道景观中的钢铁在夜晚闪耀着美丽的钴蓝色辉光。

6.For women, yellow and cobalt blue will dominate clothing and accessories, as well as accents of neon pink, green and yellow.在女性这边,占据衣装和服饰的将会是黄色和钴蓝将,此外还将有氖光粉色,绿色及黄色。

7.A strange, almond-shaped vessel, gleaming pke gold, cut across the cobalt-blue sky.一个奇怪的杏仁状容器闪着金光,切开了钴蓝色的天空。

8.The research directions and apppcation prospects of cobalt blue pigments are also presented.最后对钴蓝颜料的应用和发展作了简要介绍。

9.The pght floods the cobalt blue ocean, signalpng the arrival of the morning full of hope.这片光明就漂浮在蓝色的大海上,标志着充满希望的清晨的到来。

10.The design is generally simple, consisting of floral motif decorated with grayish local cobalt blue.简单的设计通常是由植物装饰图案灰色当地钴蓝。