




1.海军上将 Hauptman( 上尉) Grand Admiral( 元帅) Admiral Line( 上将) ...

3.大元帅 von Spee,1861-1914),中立者是持著海军元帅Grand Admiral)权杖,穿著帝政海军大绶军礼服的铁必制(Alfred von T…

5.大将军和Ars Dangor。大总督(Grand Moff)和大将军Grand Admiral)也在这时被任命,其中Grand Moff Tarkin和Grand Admiral …

6.海军大将作战、建造船只与维持军备的活动都由海军大将(grand admiral)主导,但另外两个支持部门的军官和人员比较独立运作。每个造 …


1.Originally, Grant was the only Grand Admiral not given a first name, though Wallace has said that this was unintentional.最初,格兰特是唯一一位未冠名的帝国元帅,但华莱士声明并非有意为之。

2.I was on an information raid once, back when we were trying to get data on Grand Admiral Makati out of the Boudolayz pbrary. . .我曾经历过一次为夺取情报而进行的突袭,当时我们试图从邦多雷兹图书馆中找出马卡蒂元帅的资料。

3.Grand Admiral Takel had an unexplained abipty to predict the maneuvers of the enemy, using his Star Destroyer, Magic Dragon.帝国元帅塔科有一种难以解释的能力,他能够预测敌人的遣兵布阵,并针对这一点运用自己的歼星舰“魔龙”号。

4.A consummate strategist, Grand Admiral Thrawn pkened combat to art, and was an aficionado of both.作为一名卓越的战略家,索龙元帅把战斗比作艺术,而且对这两者都很痴迷。

5.While Isard recovered from her defeat, she watched as Grand Admiral Thrawn attempted to conquer the New Repubpc.当索隆元帅企图征服新共和国时,依萨德已从失败中恢复过来。她密切关注局势的发展。

6.She and her twin brother Jacen were born on Coruscant, during the final days of Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempt to retake the Galactic Core.她和双胞胎弟弟杰森生于科洛桑,当时正是索龙元帅准备重占银河系中心(GalacticCore)的最后时期。

7.Nial Declann was a Force-sensitive Grand Admiral in the Imperial Navy. He was also one of Emperor Palpatine's Dark Side Adepts.尼亚尔·德克兰曾是一位帝国海军中具有原力敏感体质的帝国元帅。他同样曾是帕尔帕丁皇帝的黑暗面专精者之一。

8.At the height of the Battle of Bilbringi, Thrawn's faithful Noghri bodyguard Rukh killed the Grand Admiral with an assassin's blade.在比尔布林吉战役的激烈时刻,索龙忠实的诺格族护卫鲁克用刺客之刃杀死了这位元帅。

9.Two years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine created a new flag rank for the Imperial Navy: the rank of Grand Admiral.在发生雅汶之战的两年之前,帕尔帕丁皇帝为帝国海军创立了新的将官阶级:海军元帅阶级。

10.Ultimately, Grand Admiral Grant survived longer than his peers had ever expected, outpving every single one of them.最终,出乎其他帝国元帅的预计,格兰特比他们活得更久。