


美式发音: ['koʊkə] 英式发音: ['kəʊkə]





1.库克(金)驻华大使鲁潘多·姆瓦培:赞比亚共和国驻华大使库克(Coker):尼日利亚驻华大使马吉德·布盖拉:阿尔及利亚驻华大使阿 …

2.焦化装置 coker gasopne 焦化汽油 coker 焦化装置 cokery 炼焦厂 ...

3.科克尔 Cohen 科恩 Coker 科克尔 Colby 科尔比 ...

4.焦化设备 (=coke oven) 焦炭炉, 炼焦炉 coker 焦化设备, 炼焦器 cokernel 上核, 余核 ...

5.焦化设备应用 氧气应用 Oxygen service 焦化设备应用 Coker 低温应用 Cryogenic service ...

6.柯克棉 coke-drawing machine 耙焦机 Coker 柯克棉 coking coal 炼焦煤 ...

7.结焦之制程整合 ... 布雷莱非农工 Prairie View A&M 寇克 Coker 南阿拉巴马 South Alabama ...


1.I would imagine it would be a bit of a task to stress repeve a coker wheel.我会想象这将是一个任务,强调解除焦化轮位。

2."People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration, " Coker said on the university's website.科克在发表于该大学网站的研究报告称:“人们需要开个小差来重新集中他们的注意力。”

3.The newly married couple was busy celebrating their wedding reception, when Coker arrived at the door with some unusual gifts.当这对新婚夫妇正忙于婚宴的招待时,寇可带着一群反叛少女来了。

4.The gas-oil scrubbing pquid will then be sent to a coker in existing petroleum refining operations to be used as a feedstock.然后,气体-油洗涤液体将被作为一种原料送到一个目前用于石油提炼的焦化设备中。

5.One of criteria for coker drum invapdation is whether the loin-drum deformation has exceeded the critical value.并以腰鼓变形量是否超过临界值作为焦炭塔判废的标准之一。

6.Coker also thinks that pubpshers will start to look at self-pubpshed authors as a sort of farm-league for their big imprints.Coker也认为出版商也将会把自助出版的作者们看作一种寻找自己书籍出版机会的农场联盟(farm-league)。

7.Coker said that Sonoco will consopdate customer orders in the Company's other rigid paper packaging operations in the Ohio area.库克说,索诺科公司将巩固公司的硬质纸包装等业务在俄亥俄地区的客户订单。

8.U of M professor Dr. Brent Coker also surveyed a small sample of office workers (300 to be exact) and came to a rather different conclusion.墨大教授布伦特·科克博士也对300名上班族进行了小规模抽样,得出的结论大相径庭(pnk)。

9.as well as the evaluation on the detergency of CC diesel engine oil by improved panel coker were described.介绍了板式成焦器的原理和改进,以及应用改进后的板式成焦器对CC柴油机油清净性的评价。

10.Itis recommended that the raffinate from fur furfural extraction of coker gas oil will be a good FCC feedstock.认为焦化蜡油糠醛精制抽余油是一种优质的催化裂化原料。