




1.桑德斯上校鸡店的名字改成了“UFO”,但招牌上依然保留了模仿肯德基桑德斯上校(Colonel Sanders)肖像的图案,其头像是美国总统奥巴 …


1.Colonel Sanders: And Truman , you ought to see what I can do with red bean.山德士上校:杜鲁门,你该看看我是怎么吃牛肉的。

2.Kentucky In recognition of his contribution to his hometown, conferred upon him the honorary title of Colonel Sanders.肯德基州为了表彰他为家乡作出的贡献,授予他山德士上校的荣誉称号。

3.colonel sanders , you know him , you know he s been gone many years , the white beard.你们认识的山度士上校,多年以来一直束著白胡子。

4.Louisville, Kentucky, in recognition of his hometown's contribution, to grant him "Colonel Sanders" the honorary title.肯德基州为了表彰他为家乡作的贡献,授予他“山德士上校”的荣誉称号。

5.Colonel Sanders in his hometown, 25 miles away from Tennessee, Kentucky, bought one of the motel and cafe.山德士上校在他的家乡,离美国田纳西州二十五英里的肯德基州买了一家汽车旅馆和咖啡馆。

6.Colonel Sanders suit and a gray-haired and bearded image of the goat has become an international brand KFC the best symbol.山德士上校一身西装,满头白发及山羊胡子的形象,已成为肯德基国际品牌的最佳象征。

7.Today, the fast food chain still does brisk business, with a large portrait of founder Colonel Sanders hanging on the three-story building.今天,这个连锁店依然生意红火,创始人ColonelSanders的大幅画像也高高悬挂在这个3层的建筑上。

8.By 1964, Colonel Sanders had more than 600 franchised outlets for his chicken in the United States and Canada.到1964年,山德士上校在美国和加拿大已经有超过600家加盟店。

9.Colonel Sanders keen on cooking and often try to use a variety of spices recipe.山德士上校热衷于烹饪并经常尝试用各种各样的调味品进行配方。

10.Colonel Sanders' story teaches an important lesson: its never too late to decide to never give up.山德士上校的故事给了我们一个很重要的启示:坚持,永不言迟。