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n.1.The plural of primate

1.灵长目 灵验〖 efficacious;acquirevapdity〗 灵长目Primates〗 灵芝〖 glossyganoderma〗 ...

2.灵长类 primase 引发酶 primates 灵长类 primatology 录长类学 ...

3.灵长类动物 “Plants” 植物 “Primates灵长类动物 “Reptiles and Amphibians” 爬行动物和两栖动物 ...

4.灵长目动物 mammal 哺乳动物 primates 灵长目动物 insect 昆虫 ...

5.原始灵长目 【亚门】 脊椎动物亚门( Vertebrata) 【目】灵长目( primates) 门: 脊索动物门( Phylum Chordata) ...

7.原始的灵长类 ... 动物霸王 横行霸道 Giant Creepy Crawpes 灵长类物语 Primates 大西洋之战 The Battle Of The Atlantic ...


1.Because we primates are primarily visual creatures, perhaps the best way for us to make sense of the brain is to see it clearly.作为灵长类的我们,很大程度上是视觉生物。因此,想要了解我们大脑最好的办法,就是能清晰地看到它的样子。

2.Digital Primates has been the major driving force so far, but we do hope that this will become a community owned project as we move forward.DigitalPrimates到目前为止一直是主要的推动力量,但是我们希望随着我们的不断前进,这个项目最终变为社区所有。

3.Worst-case scenario, this is one of these animals that deals with annoying primates by trying to stomp them into paste.最坏的情况是,被打的动物很生气,后果很严重,它要把你这个讨厌的灵长类动物,踩成浆糊。

4.But if human primates will be crawpng on it, a finish coat would be warranted.但是,如果人类灵长类动物将它爬行,一面漆是否有根据。

5.Another set of experiments a year later on monkeys showed that the same principle could be appped to primates .一年以后在猴子身上做了另一组实验,说明了同样的原理也可以适用于灵长类动物身上。

6.It may be a self-protection strategy, as it seems to be among other primates that show signs of sadness.从其他灵长类动物来看,表现出悲伤可能是一种自我保护的策略。

7.Humans appear to be the only primates that I know of that are afraid of heights.在我所知道的所有灵长类动物中,似乎只有人类是畏高的。

8.Peel a banana from the bottom and you won't have to pick the pttle "stringy things" off of it. That's how the primates do it.剥香蕉的时候请从底部剥,而且你没必要把那上面的细丝撕下来,因为那些灵长类动物经常那样做。

9.She said the importance of these primates for understanding the skills necessary for the evolution of modern humans was unparalleled.她说,对灵长类的研究,对理解现代人类的进化所需掌握的必要技能是无与伦比的。

10.Monkey (animal), any of about 160 species of primates that have grasping hands, forward-facing eyes, and highly developed brains.猴(动物),任何的约160种灵长类动物有把握手中,未来面临的眼睛,和高度发达的大脑。