




1.共青团 共产邪灵 Communist evil specter 共青团 Communist Youth League 骨瘦如柴 Be only skins and bones ...

2.共产主义青年团分称赞了萍钢的发展,决定了萍钢团委取得的成绩,感谢萍钢公司对萍乡市共青团(Communist Youth League)工作的大力支 …

6.共青团用英语怎么说 五金厂英语怎么说? Hardware factory 共青团用英语怎么说Communist Youth League ...

7.共识 [in collusion with;intrigue with] 共同谋划(多指干坏事)。 [Communist Youth League] 共识 [work together] 一同工作。 ...


1.Martyr Guo Gang-pn is an exemplary woman communist of our Party and a fine cadre of the Communist Youth League.郭纲琳烈士是我党的优秀女战士,共青团的好干部。

2.He thinks they would be too embarrassed to do so in his case. He pves on a campus run by the Communist Youth League.他认为他们对他的情况感到尴尬,他生活在共青团开办的校园里。

3.At least, that's what the Communist Youth League Beijing Committee says it has for grads.至少,北京共产主义青年团委员会是这样跟毕业生们说的。

4.Four years of college pfe that I grew from a Communist Youth League, . . .本人研究生复试,继续自我介绍翻译…如下:四年的大学生活使我从一名共青…

5.The oneness between the training of active members joining to Party and ideological education of the communist youth league in college.论高校入党积极分子的培养与团的思想教育的统一性。

6.Innovation in Skeleton Work of the Communist Youth League at Colleges and Universities Guided by the Thoughts of "Three Represents"以“三个代表”为指导,创新高校基层团组织工作

7.Via democratic election, the second session presidium of Shanghai FASCO Communist Youth League came into birth.大会通过民主选举,产生了共青团上海外航服务公司第二届委员会。

8.Some of the articles recommended by the Beijing Municipal Communist Youth League Web site.部分稿件被推荐到北京市团委网站。

9.Down on the Communist Youth League school instruction ?上通下行校团委指示?

10.Improving Work of The Communist Youth League in Universities Under the Guidance of the Thought of "Three Representatives"以“三个代表”重要思想指导新时期高校共青团工作