




1.洗车 75做饭 cooking 76洗车 washing the car 77你多久打扫一次房间? how ofen do u cleaning your bedroom ...

2.清洗车辆 Sewing clothes 缝补衣服 Washing the car 清洗车辆 Gardening 园艺 ...


1.Washing the car seems to be your main hobby.洗车似乎是你的主要爱好。

2.Not everybody. It's a school night and you know the rules. Thank you for washing the car.不包括你。学校有课的日子,你知道家里的规矩。谢谢你帮忙擦车。

3.even though the husband may be a professional man, he talks about washing the car, digging the in the flower beds, or painting the house.翻得很雷人“她丈夫即便是以为专业人士,也会谈论洗车,挖花坛或油漆房子之类的话题。”

4.You can't give a four-year-old the task of washing the car and expect him to complete it.你不能安排四岁小孩去洗车,还希望他好好完成洗车任务。

5.The same apppes to other chores - washing the car, sweeping, dusting, laundry - and anything you do, actually.对于其它的琐事也一样--洗车,打扫、除灰尘、洗衣服等等。

6.A professional may talk about washing the car, digging in his flowerbeds, painting the house.一个专业可能谈论洗车,挖他的花圃,粉刷房子。

7.Involve kids in physical activities around the home, such as gardening or washing the car.让孩子在家里进行一些体力活动,比如做园艺或洗车。

8.After washing the car for two hours, the windshields were squeaky-clean.洗车两个小时下来,挡风玻璃乾净到一尘不染。

9.Washing the car is no biggie for me.洗车对我来说不是什么大事。

10.Amazing. We're washing the car this weekend.令人惊叹。本周末我们洗车。