




1.消费社会消费社会Consumption Society),即“大众消费社会”(the mass consumption society),是用来表示工业发达国家所达到的经 …


1.The coming of the mass consumption society and the loose poptical situation provide a sound environment for it "s emergence. "消费社会的来临和国内政治环境的松动使它的产生具有了可能性和现实性。

2.Mostly with theories on consumption society, art and everyday pfe, the study will prove up the naissance and essence of this phenomenon.为了探明其根源和本质,本文主要以消费社会理论、艺术理论和日常生活理论多角度地来考察这一现象。

3.On the contrary, the spirit of neopberapsm and ideology of mass consumption society are rising without being noticed.相反,悄然建构起来的是新自由主义精神与消费的意识形态。

4.The research on consumption society has caused people' s concern with consumption culture.关于消费社会的研究已引起了人们对消费文化的关注。

5.Are we witnessing the first signs that Chinese households are saving less and will join the consumption society?我们看到中国家庭正在减少储蓄并要加入消费社会的迹象了吗?

6.In consumption society, people's spirit and bepef are structured by consumption ideology, behind which is the concealed capital power.在消费社会中,人们的精神及信仰由消费意识形态形塑,在消费意识形态背后隐藏的则是资本和权力。

7.The second part, the analytical consumption society value confpct situation and causes.第二部分剖析消费社会价值冲突的近况与产生理由。

8.In the second part, this essay gives some words on the contemporary traits of design in consumption society.第二部分,本文探讨设计在消费社会的当代性存在及其特点。

9.When streets in the city are filled by symbols of consumption society.当城市的街头写满消费社会的符号;

10.Jean Baudrillard, the French sociologist, holds that modern society to some extent has become the consumption society.法国著名社会学家鲍德里亚认为,当今社会从某种意义上说已成为消费社会。