





1.棉签 洗甲水- nail popsh remover 卫生保健用品: 棉签cotton swabs 牙签- toothpicks ...


3.棉拭子 ... Low Reflection Termination 低反射终止 Cotton Swabs 棉拭子 Tape Measure,3m 卷尺, 3个月 ...

4.绵棒 强力无比膏 Mopiko-S 绵棒 Cotton Swabs 抗菌绵棒 Cotton Swabs Set ...

5.螺旋棉花棒 ~H2O+ 水芝澳 螺旋棉花棒 Cotton Swabs 胶原蛋白润肤露 Collagen Elastin Lotion ...

6.棉花棒也可叫 ... 面纸也可叫 facial tissue 棉花棒也可叫 cotton swabs 胶带也可叫 sticky tape ...

7.药棉 ... bandages( 绷带) cotton swabs药棉) army knife( 军用小刀) ...


1.The head of it there are a pair of long ears, pke a pair of cotton swabs.它的头上有一对长长的耳朵,像一对棉花棒。

2.Keep a few cotton swabs on your hand for getting to the build ups in tight place(pke around the key of your PC keyboard).准备一些棉签以便深入到细小区域(像是电脑键盘的各个按键)。

3.Sara removes a small, dark blue piece of cloth from a pile of bloodied cotton swabs with a pair of tweezers.Sara从一堆带血的棉球上,用一只镊子取下了一小块深蓝色的布料。

4.Then use cotton swabs soaked with isopropyl alcohol to clean between keys, as well as the phone body.然后使用沾过乳化剂的棉花棒清理按键以及手机机身。

5.If all your money is going to food, shelter and clothing, stocking up on cotton swabs just doesn't have much appeal.如果你所有的钱都用来吃饭,付房费和买衣物,囤积棉花棒确实没有太多的吸引力。

6.In the bathroom, keep hair pins, cotton swabs and dental floss out of reach from your pet.浴室中,将头花、棉棒及牙线放到宠物们够不到的地方。

7.Use cotton swabs to dust between keys on computer keyboards . Also dust scanners, telephones and other electronic equipment.棉签可以清洁电脑键盘的按键缝隙,也可以清洁扫描仪、电话及其他电子设备。

8.It is recommended to apply this product by using cotton swabs over the area before procedure.推荐将这个产品用棉花棒均匀涂抹在手术区域上。

9.Or you may have items pke cotton swabs and cotton balls.或是你可以利用它们来当搽台布或棉签?

10.So what did Chessor do with those cotton swabs?那么切索尔老太太拿那些棉签怎么办了?