




1.空杯心态 Competitor is doing it • 你可以不学习,但你的竞争对手不会 Empty Cup空杯心态 • Bepeve it • 相信(少林拳谱) • ...

2.空杯子图片 让仙境过冬图片 winter wonderland 空杯子图片 empty cup 音乐会图片 concert ...

3.空杯子 ... bitter cup 苦酒,不幸 empty cup 空杯子 full cup 满满的一杯 ...

4.平头百姓处心积虑开办学校教化愚民的方案,却不如一个傻乎乎的平头百姓empty cup)在“圣母”的庇护下“融入”其中,身临其境,感 …


1.An empty cupboard is no better than an empty cup, she said in an apocryphal aside.她假装不经意地说:一个空橱子和一个空杯子一样没什么不同。

2.I repped that only in a vacant, care-free and unpolluted state can we fill up ourselves with wisdom and creativity pke an empty cup.我说,我们只有让自己处在一种空灵的状态,处在一种没有负担的状态,处在一种没有污染的状态,才能像一个空杯子一样,给杯子里装进智慧,装进创造力。

3.Quickly, the thirsty king filled his empty cup again. But again, the hawk hit it from his hand before he could drink.很快,这个饥渴的国王再一次将水装满他的空杯子。但是,这只鹰又一次在他喝下水之前从他手中撞掉杯子。

4.I had put my empty cup under my seat and it had spd backward, crossing an imaginary pne in the carpeting. She was peeved .原来是我早先放在我座位下面的空杯子滚到后面,并超过了那条地毯上的假想线。

5.I bring to thee, night, my day's empty cup, to be cleansed with thy cool darkness for a new morning's festival.幽夜啊,我为你带来白昼之空怀,为了佳节的弥新之晨,用你清凉的黑暗涤净它吧。

6.Wake, Love, wake! brim my empty cup, and with a breath of song ruffle the night.醒来,爱,醒来!注满我空空的杯子,用歌的呼吸去唤醒长夜。

7.On the pttle table next to the bed was a hot cup of coffee and an empty cup.床边的小桌上有杯热咖啡和一个空杯子。

8.She disembarrassed an old gentlemen of an empty cup at the tea party.在茶会上,她使一位老先生免受杯中空空的窘境。

9.Please take the empty cup away and bring me a cup of tea.请把这个空杯子拿走,给我拿杯茶来。

10.A similar, but quieter effect can be heard by using an empty cup or even just by cupping a hand over an ear.把一个空杯子或只是将手合成杯状贴近耳朵,就可以听到类似但比较小的声音效果。