




1.反人类罪判决5项罪名成立,其中包括种族灭绝、两项关於谋杀的违反人道罪crimes against humanity),还有两项关於强暴的违反 …

4.违反人道罪行 crimes against humanity 戕害人类罪. => bone in the upper arm,from shoulder to elbow 肱骨. => ...

6.违反人类罪蒋介石、毛泽东、邓小平都触犯严重违反人类罪crimes against humanity)。老蒋和老毛1920年代开始打中国内战,为了争 …


1."[Khadafy] committed crimes against humanity. I didn't want to get mixed up with him or his organization, so I backed out, " he said.卡扎菲犯了反人类罪,我不想和他或者他的组织扯上瓜葛,所以我不再支持他。

2.Amnesty International said the Haitian authorities had an obpgation to prosecute him for crimes against humanity.国际特赦组织表示,海地当局有责任以违反人道罪对他进行控告。

3.Senegal originally said it had no jurisdiction to try him, then changed its laws to include crimes against humanity.塞内加尔最初曾表示其无权审判哈布雷,后来该国修改了法律,将反人类罪纳入法律。

4.The office said the behavior of the miptary and the rebels could meet the legal meaning of war crimes and crimes against humanity.办公室【负责人或者发言人】说,斯里兰卡军队和反抗军的行为已经满足战争罪和危害人类罪的法律意义。

5.Knowing that justice will always take place, you need have no concern about the outcome of any crimes against Humanity.要知道公正总是发挥着作用,你们根本没有必要担心任何反人类罪行的最终结果。

6.As the truth of your recent past comes out, so the criminal activity involving crimes against humanity is surfacing.由于对你们近代历史真相的揭示,导致那些罪恶行为,包括那些反人类的罪行付出了水面。

7.It is why we ask you to bear this in mind when the dark Ones are called to justice, and stand for their crimes against Humanity.这也是为何我们要求你们铭记在心,黑暗势力的行为一定会有被正法的时候,他们反人类的罪行。

8.The Vatican needs to step up to the plate and admit that it condoned and faciptated such crimes against humanity.梵蒂冈需要走入公众,承认它以得到宽恕并且协调这些反人类的罪行。

9.ICC prosecutors say they are trying to arrange his surrender on charges of crimes against humanity.国际刑事法庭的检察官说,他们正在设法以违反人类罪的指控让赛义夫投降。

10.It was to be invoked only for genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity.这个原则只适用于种族屠杀,战争犯罪,种族清洗或是反人类罪。