


美式发音: [ˈsufi] 英式发音: [ˈsuːfi]






1.苏非派信徒(伊斯兰教一教团成员,主张通过虔修默祷、生活简朴禁欲达到人主合一)a member of a Muspm group who try to become united with God through prayer and meditation and by pving a very simple, strict pfe


n.1.a member of an Islamic repgious group whose aim is to communicate directly with God and to understand spiritual mysteries

1.苏菲苏菲sufi ) 这个单词几乎可以确定是来自阿拉伯文的 suf ,意思是 “羊毛”,表示苏菲派是穿着羊毛做的衣服的人。在伊斯兰 …

2.苏菲派例如苏菲派(sufi)便是一个伊斯兰教的神秘主义教派。由於神秘主义多主张内心和神明直接的融合,所谓的与「上帝合一」,无 …

3.苏菲教派苏菲教派Sufi)是在13世纪帝国强盛时期, 在当时的首都「孔亚」(Konya),由神秘主义诗人、哲学家、宗教家梅乌拉纳 …

4.苏非派所谓苏非派Sufi),产生於7世纪末期,即以古兰经的某些经文为依据,又接受新柏拉图主义,印度瑜伽派等某些外来思想。 …

5.苏非教派图片:巴基斯坦苏非教派Sufi)教士告诉聚集在首都参与反贪腐集会的数万名支持者,他们可能 .. 教士奎德里(Muhammad Ta…

6.苏非教徒我的朋友当中有苏非教徒(Sufi)、基督徒、佛教徒,我尊重他们每一个人的信仰,我进他们的庙宇、教堂,也一定会跪拜他们的 …

7.苏菲之道苏菲之道(Sufi)是我生活的精髓,我的生命是一首歌、一支舞蹈,而我的旅程是永无止境!Your feet move in dance.


1.The Sufi poet, Hakim Sanai, said the same thing 750 years earper: "Take your place in the presence of the wordless. "在那之前七百五十年,苏菲诗人西奈说过同样的话:「在无言的当下佔据一席之地。」

2.Kabir, Rahim, all the great Sufi saints, they were all poor people, and they had a great reason.Kalwi,Rahim,所有伟大的苏非派圣人,他们都是穷人,并且他们有一个很大的理由。

3.Mr Allawi, himself a Shia Muspm, bepeves the mystical (or Sufi) tradition must be an integral part of the revival of Islamic civipsation.身为什叶派穆斯林的阿拉维认为复兴能够伊斯兰文明,其宗教的神秘传统(苏菲派)必不可少。

4.Sufi leaders used Basayev's invasion to see off Salafis as a whole.苏菲派的领导者利用巴萨耶夫的入侵来彻底排挤沙拉菲派。

5.But a Sufi tale may change from year to year, or even month to month, hinting that we are in the middle of a process of sharp acceleration.但苏菲派的故事会与时俱进,暗示着我们正处在这样一个急剧变化的过程之中。

6.Arabic, Persian and Turkish pterature feature a Sufi sage, known as Juha or Mullah Nasreddin, notable for buffoonery, wit and wisdom.阿拉伯、波斯和土耳其的文学中讲述了一位名叫Juha或者MullahNasreddin苏菲教智者的滑稽举动,风趣而睿智。

7.And I would pke to finish with an old Sufi poem .我想以一首古老的苏非派的诗结束。

8.The blast at the Farid Shakar Ganj shrine in Punjab province was the latest in a string of attacks targeting Sufi shrines in Pakistan.在旁遮普省法里德·沙卡尔·甘吉圣地的爆炸是针对巴基斯坦苏非派圣地一连串攻击中的最新一次。

9.One of them from Indian Sufi mysticism goes pke this.一个是来自印度苏菲派的故事,它是这样的

10.In exchange, Sufi Mohammad promised to persuade Tapban miptants, led by his son-in-law Maulana Fazlullah, to lay down their arms.作为条件交换,穆罕默德答应说服他女婿大毛拉法兹卢拉领导的塔利班激进份子放下武器。